Will not tolerate any form of extortion: AYO

AYO is firmly opposed to any form of extortion activity ‘by gun toting individuals’ within its jurisdiction and any such activity will not be tolerated, the organization says

AYO is firmly opposed to any form of extortion activity ‘by gun toting individuals’ within its jurisdiction and any such activity will not be tolerated, the organization says

Kohima, July 8 (MExN): The Angami Youth Organisation (AYO) said that it had taken a ‘strong note’ on the June 23 incident where an alleged extortionist was gunned down in a retaliatory action by the Kohima Police Anti-Extortion Squad, and appealed concerned authorities to ensure that a transparent process is put in place so that public faith on the police is solidified.

In a press release, AYO President Kekhrie Pfukha and Joint Secretary Petevito Nakhro stated that the organization is firmly opposed to any form of extortion activity ‘by gun toting individuals’ within its jurisdiction and any such activity will not be tolerated.

However, since the incident also led to the unfortunate death of the alleged extortionist, “the organisation appeals to the concerned authorities to ensure that a transparent process is put in place so that public faith on the police is solidified.” This, it said, would go a long way in preventing unnecessary loss of lives and allow smooth functioning of the anti-extortion squad.

AYO reaffirms that the rule of law should prevail at all cost within its jurisdiction, since it is the only thing that stands between anarchy and dictatorship, the statement read.

Further, the AYO stated that “some organisations instead of condemning the illegal extortion have used the death of the alleged extortionist as an opportune moment to justify extortion from businesses citing the Naga cause and other numerous reasons.”

Stating that any attempt to justify extortion and illegal activities “under the false garb of fighting for the Naga cause is shameful,” the AYO asserted that the “push to extol extortionist is in bad taste and is dishonouring the Naga struggle for autonomy.” 

Putting across that “extortion has single handedly become the greatest impediment to our Naga educated unemployed youth from venturing into business, trade, etc.,” it claimed that “By standing up against extortion, the AYO is confident that it is speaking on behalf of a big silent majority of Naga people.”

It also expressed pain at the “attempts made by many tribal hohos in general, and a few in particular, to paint every issue with a tribal colour, be it the recent shooting in Kohima or the issue concerning the BSL-3 Lab.” In the midst of a deadly pestilence, it is unfortunate that such organisations claiming to represent their respective tribe would resort to divisive and destabilizing tactics, the statement read.

AYO has and will never encourage its youth to be poisoned by divisive and tribalistic rhetoric, it added.

It meanwhile acknowledged Governor RN Ravi who it said “has taken notice of the real issues affecting every Naga, especially the deteriorating law and order situation in the State,” and reiterated that the organization stands for law and order in the State. It urged all sections of the Naga society to “stay away from poisonous, divisive and tribalistic rhetoric being pushed by some organisations.”


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