ANSTA upset with govt’s slow action on teachers’ deployment

Kohima, January 27 (MExN): The All Nagaland School Teachers Association (ANSTA) lauds the Right to Education (RTE) Act 2009 which is in line and its vision that students’ get their education at the shortest possible distance from home and the government introducing many new schools, GPS were upgraded to GMS and several GMS have in turn been upgraded to full fledged GHS.
However ANSTA is disappointed with the government slow follow-up action on deployment of required subject teachers to all the vacant post in the recently upgraded/ opened schools.
A press statement issued by ANSTA president Ponchulo Wanth said “it is needless to say that quality education is the talk of everybody but when a school has no requisite strength of teachers to produce quality from that school will be a distant dream”. ANSTA pointed out that in all the 73 newly upgrade GHS posting AHM/HM is not yet done even though new academic session has already started.
The association wonders as to how school would be function without administrative heads of institution and added that this impending problem had already been conveyed to the concerned authority several times but no prompt action has been taken so far.
The association therefore once again reminds the concern authority to kindly posted required numbers of teachers to all the resultant vacancies in the upgraded /newly opened schools at the early date so that career of students’ may not be effected as the new academic session begins.
The association also appealed the concerned department to issue clear cut notifications/ guidelines as how to go about bit with regard to Right to Education (RTE) Act, as there are certain areas (such as admission system, academic aspect and punishment of students’ etc) in the act which need to be properly defined and viewed carefully before it is
being implemented.

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