CMO Peren District Review Meeting conducted

Peren, December 12 (MExN): The Chief Medical Office, Peren District under the chairmanship of Dr. Ngangshimeren, CMO Peren held the District Review Meeting on December 9 at Conference Hall, Chief Medical Office, Peren.  

Dr Ngangshimeren highlighted about the whole year’s work and acknowledged the sincerity and good work and pointed the gaps and failure. He called upon all categories of staff to cooperate and learn from each other and instructed the health workers to give vitamin A capsule to 1-5 years (every six months).  

Dr. Khrielasanuo, DPO RCH/UIP highlighted on the upcoming IPPI which will be held in the coming year i.e., January 29, 2017 and requested the ANMs and GNMs to prepare micro plan in advance. She urged the health workers to judiciously use the vaccines and to return the partially used vials and also to update the beneficiary list by the ASHAs. 

She stressed on the point that all health units should sent a representative from each staff category for the monthly r District Review Meeting eview meeting. She asked the ANMs to use MCP card for both Mother and Child and to use Sahli’s haemoglobin test method.  

Addressing the gathering Dr. Tiala, Dy CMO gave a brief report on Healthy Lifestyle camp held on December 2 at Athibung PHC.  

The meeting was attended by District Programme Officers, Medical Officers, Health workers and District and Block Program Management Unit Staff, NHM.  

Thereafter, a short Advent Christmas programme was held which was chaired by Temsumenla, BPM Athibung, and invocation prayer by Dr. Imnuksungbai, Epidemilogist IDSP. Dr. Ngangshimeren, CMO exhorted the gathering followed by Christmas message by Dr. Imchatoshi, MO Azailong PHC.  A special number was given by the NHM staff Peren. The programme concluded with benediction by Dr, Newmai, SMO CHC Jalukie followed by lunch.  

The next review meeting is fixed on January 10, 2017.  

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