De-Mock-Crazy: Clean Election is a Joke

The Naga Blog is a forum on facebook where Nagas from Nagaland and around the world network, share ideas and discuss a wide range of topics from politics and philosophy to music and current events in Nagaland and beyond. The blog is not owned by any individual, nor is it affiliated to or associated with any political party or religion. The only movement it hopes to stir is the one raised by the voices of the Nagas every step of the way, amassing perhaps to mass consciousness one day.

Lima Lkr: My voting report, Place: Bayavu, Kohima, Time: 11:30 a.m. Number of voters: 10 of us, Success: 20%, Failure: 80%. Reason of failure: Their votes had already been cast by some smart fellow.

Conclusion: 1. Our brand new voters ID with our smart photos in it are practically useless since the officials at the voting booth don’t seem to check the voters identity. 2. Elections in Nagaland will always be rigged.

Taku Meren Lkr: I just got informed from home that my vote has been cast by some Anti-social person. How is it possible when I am here at Ranchi. My voter name is TAKUMEREN LONGKUMER and voter ID No is KHB0451401, 9 Kohima town, Lower Para Medical, Polling station NO-22. Whom do I complain to? If something can be done about it Please do the needful, what is the penalty for a proxy Voter?

Spoke with the ADC, over the phone and got the respond that it's too late as the Polling hours are closed and that re-polling could have been done if a complaint was made to the PO/PS during the polling hours. Well how could I make a complaint if I was not there. This is getting Hilarious! Anyway I got the news quite late, by the time I got the numbers of the concern authority, polling time was over!

S Minsang Kaibah Konyak: Reporting from Mon my friend just told me that his dad went to vote for the whole family, of course for 8 of them hahah. Hard to expect changes in this generation.

Mongshi Mongz Lcr: Corruption are the election officers in polling booth. Today at a booth at Mkg town I noticed that, elderly people were called upon, took their card and told them to go home so that they would cast the vote at their well. Basically, the election officers are to be blamed because everyone is entitled for a rightful vote. That really disappointed me.

Moa Jamir: Today I went to my polling station, there was hardly some party workers and some elders and as I walked towards the machine everyone was looking at me like they were seeing me for the 1st time. I went in, voted and came out. No one could say anything but just look. I was bit surprised why those people looked at me that way. Later I was told that last night there was a public information which said everyone was to obey the decision of the Village council. Unluckily/Luckily because of the rain I didn’t hear anything. I am a church leader so I went to vote so that my vote would not be cast in proxy.

IBI (Illegal Bangladeshi Immigrants) A Major Social Concern

Abo Yiki: Vote Banks, Cheap Labours. There's a growing concern for the inflow of the IBI, there are thousands out there on the streets of Dimapur. Slowly and eventually they are about to engulf the whole of Naga Society. Poor Economic Conditions of Bangladesh and easy access to North Eastern states have encouraged the influx of these Illegal Refugees. Recent studies have shown that their population is increasing at an alarming rate which is a threat to the stability of our small states. With the impact of Global Warming, the Mangrove Country of Bangladesh is slowly being swallowed by the sea and the Great Brahmaputra and the Ganges. Unless we take up action and control the influx of the IBI, we are heading towards Doom, treading on the same path of the state of Tripura. it's time to wake up!

Born Basumatary: A couple of weeks ago, a Bodo girl was brutally raped n killed by illegal immigrants in kokrajhar. It is calm at the moment but we all can feel the current of tensions seething underneath. Another riot is in the offing, who is to blame? We now find ourselves in a situation which could have been avoided had we recognized the problem of illegal immigrants in it's nascent stage. It's still early days for you n hasn't reached critical situation like ours but it doesn't n will not take much time. Do the best thing you can do now, nip it in the bud.

Renponi Kithan: The more I speak against them, the more am hated by the Naga parents of these IBI's.

Menitso Chuzho: We should socially and economically boycott their activities, stop going to shops with IBI presence, stop using cheap IBI laborers. Encourage businesses of own Nagas. Nobody is going to do anything about, it is at the hands of the Nagas to decide and act.  If we don't give them opportunities, they will have to pack and leave.  It is all about opportunities, which the IBIs have exploited to the fullest in our land, but it is upto each one of us the Naga to decide the future course, it is still not too late.

Aromatic Kohima

Lohe Wekulo: Some uncivilized people and proud Citizens of Kohima who flush out their human excreta tank between 21:00 - 22:00 hours and that also during Dry Season where denizens are in scarcity of water. Non-denizens of Kohima should come taste and experience the Aroma of the Flash Out Human Excreta Tank as it can't be resisted once it is FLUSH OUT OPEN. Greatest achievement result is it even makes and leaves the mosquitoes’ head spin.

Peter Rutsa: Kindly locate the residence/establishment which violate the municipal order not to do so. Action will be taken on defaulters by concerned Govt agencies. Releasing septic tanks during certain timings and seasons can be tolerated but not at present. Kohima needs couple of more cesspools, instead of spending on 10 to 20 lakh plus cars NL10 vehicles.

(The Naga Blog was  created in 2008  by Yanpvuo Kikon. This  column in The Morung  Express will be a weekly feature  every Saturday)

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