Delhi Public School wins ‘Melomania 2019’

Delhi Public School, Dimapur winners of ‘Melomania 2019’ 1st Inter School Beat Contest organized by the Hope Academy at IMC Hall on August 17.
Delhi Public School, Dimapur was declared winner of ‘Melomania 2019’ 1st Inter School Beat Contest organized by the Hope Academy at IMC Hall on August 17. Theja Meru, Advisor, TaFMA graced the contest as special guest. A total of seven schools participated in the beat contest.
List of winners:
Winner- Delhi Public Stall
1st Runners up - Christian Higher Secondary School (CHSS)
Best Vocalist - Lanuwapang Jamir, DPS
Beat Bassist - Imlichuba A Pongen, CHSS
Best Guitarist - Lasunep Longchar, St Mary’s Higher Secondary School (SMHSS)
Best Drummer - Thangboign Haolai, SMHSS
Most Promising Artist- Benjamin Rongpi, Bethesda Higher Secondary School
Viewers Choice Award- CHSS