For those who were refusing to even entertain the possibilities of Climate Change affecting Naga-Lands, there could not have been a more insistent indicator than the distressing long-wait for the monsoons. The apparent alternating patterns of monsoons is now causing a serious concern; and considering that it has touched the very core of agrarian societies, there is reluctant acceptance that Climate Change may have after all struck home. With the threat of drought increasing, regular supply of power being hit, and new forms of illness being discovered there should no longer be any more denials that Climate Change has indeed loomed over us all. The denial need to be cease, because, more the denial, the more drastic the impact will be.
For the Nagas, who inhabit the Tropical rainforests and are dependent on the harmonious cycle of nature, it is imperative that the society at large is well aware and prepared to fight Climate Change. For a people that are rooted in traditional agricultural practices, and to an extent still continuing a relationship with the forces of nature, it is of absolute necessity to begin exploring alternative methods of harnessing sustainable energy, developing methods of agriculture, and eco-friendly ways of conserving the tropical rainforests and its rich bio-diversity. The seriousness of this issue has been adequately expressed by the fact that we have only 8 years from now to take stock of the situation and to promote policies and lifestyles that will seize the deteriorating global conditions.
The soaring temperature, the changing patterns in crop production, the depleting water resources, extreme rainfall patterns and climatic changes are some of the basic indicators that Climate Change is here. The accelerating destruction of the rainforests that form a precious cooling band around and the rampant slashing and burning of tropical forests are the primary causes in the Naga context. The latter cause is second only to the energy sector as a source of greenhouses gases according to the Global Canopy Programme, an alliance of leading rainforest scientists. The most disturbing fact in the Naga case is that we are already living the affects of global warming even when unaware of it. The changing climatic patterns are frightening and our continued ignorance will only make things more difficult and complicated.
Natural resources are inextricably linked to the survival and well being of the Naga people. Considering the drastic climatic changes it becomes all the more important to create awareness among the communities and together protect the natural resources and to introduce laws and legislations that will ensure that appropriate measures are taken for the well-being of the resources. This however cannot be government-centered; the communities must be involved, because after all they are the owners and keepers of the land and their natural resources. Nagas need to come alive to the ecological issues surrounding them, and for a people that is dependent on their natural resources, it would be tragic, if they were to ignore the desperate signs of climatic changes.