DIMAPUR, JANUARY 30 (MExN): Arunachal Pradesh the land of the Rising Sun, with its beauty of myth and magic had the rare privilege and honour of hosting the three-day National Congress and centenary of the World Federation of Don Bosco Alumni from 29 - 31 January, at State Banquet Hall, Itanagar.
Gen. J.J. Singh, His Excellency, the Governor of Arunachal Pradesh inaugurated the memorable event in the history of Alumni in Arunachal on 29 January, and called them to live by the theme ``Review, Renew, and Return to Don Bosco, to usher in a Century of Peace and National Integration``. His Excellency lauded the missionary schools for their contribution to education. He cherished his memory of being educated by Catholic missionaries. Speaking during the function, he said, ``Keep alive the legacy of Don Bosco, the educator by working together and make a positive difference in the society.`` ``Provide service and leadership by building a system of networking to educate young people for future`` he said.
The prominent local DB Alumni present were MP Takam Sanjay, also the Organizing Chairman and Bamang Felix MLA, 19 Palin the Vice Chairman. The MP speaking at the function said, ``DB Alumni, does not make any distinction on the basis of caste, creed, and religion. It is an association to live and share the values that one has learnt in Don Bosco institutions.``
Other dignitaries present were World Delegate of Don Bosco Alumni, Fr. J. Pastor SDB, National President of DB Alumni, Mr. Rajesh Gupta, Salesian Provincial Dimapur Fr. James Poonthuruthil and Bishop of Itanagar Rt. Rev. John Thomas.
World delegate of Don Bosco Alumni, Fr. J. Pastor SDB exhorted the Alumni ``to grow together, live together, be persons of high moral standards, give leadership and grow in identity.`` Fr. James Poonthuruthil the Salesian Provincial Dimapur said, we are a family to know each other and work together and asked the Alumni what can they do for the association.`` Bishop John Thomas of Itanagar, while appreciating the contribution of Bosco Society in the rural areas, appreciated the Salesians for pioneering works in the remote area which have brought in lots of talent from rural areas. He said you are the ``walking certificates of Don Bosco`s educational system``.
The gathering saw an august representation of 130 delegates from 9 provinces, Bangalore, Tiruchy, Chennai, Panjim, Guwahati, Delhi, Kolkata, Dimapur and Mumbai.
Gen. J.J. Singh, His Excellency, the Governor of Arunachal Pradesh inaugurated the memorable event in the history of Alumni in Arunachal on 29 January, and called them to live by the theme ``Review, Renew, and Return to Don Bosco, to usher in a Century of Peace and National Integration``. His Excellency lauded the missionary schools for their contribution to education. He cherished his memory of being educated by Catholic missionaries. Speaking during the function, he said, ``Keep alive the legacy of Don Bosco, the educator by working together and make a positive difference in the society.`` ``Provide service and leadership by building a system of networking to educate young people for future`` he said.
The prominent local DB Alumni present were MP Takam Sanjay, also the Organizing Chairman and Bamang Felix MLA, 19 Palin the Vice Chairman. The MP speaking at the function said, ``DB Alumni, does not make any distinction on the basis of caste, creed, and religion. It is an association to live and share the values that one has learnt in Don Bosco institutions.``
Other dignitaries present were World Delegate of Don Bosco Alumni, Fr. J. Pastor SDB, National President of DB Alumni, Mr. Rajesh Gupta, Salesian Provincial Dimapur Fr. James Poonthuruthil and Bishop of Itanagar Rt. Rev. John Thomas.
World delegate of Don Bosco Alumni, Fr. J. Pastor SDB exhorted the Alumni ``to grow together, live together, be persons of high moral standards, give leadership and grow in identity.`` Fr. James Poonthuruthil the Salesian Provincial Dimapur said, we are a family to know each other and work together and asked the Alumni what can they do for the association.`` Bishop John Thomas of Itanagar, while appreciating the contribution of Bosco Society in the rural areas, appreciated the Salesians for pioneering works in the remote area which have brought in lots of talent from rural areas. He said you are the ``walking certificates of Don Bosco`s educational system``.
The gathering saw an august representation of 130 delegates from 9 provinces, Bangalore, Tiruchy, Chennai, Panjim, Guwahati, Delhi, Kolkata, Dimapur and Mumbai.