Fergie learns to love her body

After years of cruel taunts and self-loathing, Sarah Ferguson says she has finally learned to love her ‘size 12’ figure.  In a magazine interview, the Duchess of York said she is so enamoured with the body she once hated that she can’t get enough of admiring her best points in the mirror. ‘I love my hands and wrists and ankles and hair and eyes. I’ve got a really good waist and a great pair of bosoms. Plus the pins aren’t bad,’ she added.
The 51-year-old, who has battled for years to stay in shape, said this is the happiest with her weight she has been in years. She claims to have adopted a strict fitness regime based on exercising, drinking lots of water and eating plenty of fruit and vegetables. The duchess is also a regular drinker of French ginger tea, which she dubs ‘a great disinfectant for the body’.  She added: ‘At the moment I’m a size 12, probably! Lose another few kilos – or 12, 14, or 20 – and I’ll be happy.’
But the duchess admits to once having had a ‘diabolical relationship’ with her body. And she has admitted she was an ‘emotional eater’. She told the Australian magazine New Idea that not even her marriage to Prince Andrew made up for the years when she was taunted for being Fat Fergie or the Duchess of Pork.  ‘If you’ve been called fat and ugly and lots of names when you’re growing up, as I was, you believe it the whole of your life,’ she explained. ‘Of course, some people don’t realise what they are doing – they saw it as fun, thought it was only teasing. But it meant that I never believed I was pretty. On my wedding day I was a good weight and I looked really beautiful, but I didn’t see that. I look back and think “How sad”. But you can’t live with regret, because that’s a thief of the present, and we have to remain in the present.’
The former Weight Watchers ambassador attributes her new found self-confidence to the advice of American talk show queen Oprah Winfrey. ‘I’m a lady so I don’t need to say how much I weigh,’ she said. ‘I know that I was at my heaviest when I was pregnant with Beatrice but I have no idea what size I was.
But that’s all ancient history. I think that over the past year, Oprah has opened my eyes so much. I have learned to love myself. You have to take yourself very, very seriously if you want to see your children get married.’ The duchess is taking part in a reality television series filmed by Oprah’s TV channel, called Finding Sarah. The show is being seen as an attempt to rehabilitate her image after she was caught trying to sell access to her former husband for £500,000 last year. She added: ‘For 20 years, the outside world projected my self-loathing back at me. But hopefully, by learning to know myself and love myself, that may change.’

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