Fighting our Problems

Problems confronting Naga society and polity refuses to go away rather it is growing in different directions taking various shapes and forms. At the outset, it is important for everyone concerned to realize that the unresolved Naga political issue and the related factional violence and killings is not the sole problem that confronts the Naga people in the 21st century. Though this unresolved issue is the central one, we have other problems such as poverty, unemployment, alcohol & drug abuse, crime (including rape and domestic violence against women & children), HIV/AIDS, social tensions etc. As a society the need of the hour is to work together and find solutions to some of the impending problems that confront us. Solution will be found in the problem itself, if we are bold enough to accept the truth. Many times problems remain unresolved because we are afraid to confront the truth or fail to respond to it. If we have the attitude of brushing everything under the carpet, then we will only allow our problems to grow. Unfortunately because we have failed to deal with them, Nagas have accumulated many problems. The day is not far when these will become insurmountable and will crush us under its load. 

It is also distressing that one problem eases another crops up. When one would have thought that the acrimony between the different warring armed groups and the internecine killings is hopefully a thing of the past, we are faced with other equally challenging problems—rising incidents of rape, extortion, corruption, unemployment, land encroachment, gun culture, tribalism etc. Some of these problems have their roots in our past while others are related to the present processes. One of the other challenges that we will have to tackle in the days ahead is how we can think and act as a cohesive entity—shedding our different identities and interests to be united on common goals and a shared future. While no one is implying that our differences will be totally eliminated, yet we should encourage dialogue, build an atmosphere of mutual trust and harmony. 

Can we say that ten years from now we can hand over to the next generation a society in which the major problems have been solved? It may not be possible but we must try. Many well meaning Nagas are doing their part in the effort towards bringing about positive change and reforms wherever required—government, society, church, national politics etc. The resolve to cleanse the school education system, NPSC and other similar reform oriented endeavors is noteworthy. The work of the Forum for Naga Reconciliation (FNR) is immense. We need to harness and encourage such initiatives. The one silver lining is that the problems that confront us today provide us a great opportunity to build a new and better future. We must seize the moment. The task is difficult, but vital. The struggle is hard, but necessary. A collective effort is demanded to fight our problems. We cannot depend on others to do our bidding. It is only we who can solve our own problems.

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