The return of the Congress led UPA to power has given India the finest opportunity in recent times to genuinely emerge as a leader in world affairs. India’s leadership in the area of economics has already been established and recognized by the international community, and yet when it comes to the question of leadership in the conduct of human and world affairs, questions remain unanswered and doubts linger. Issues of human rights, poverty, gender equality, health care, energy and inequality are some of the key aspects that have hampered the growth of India as a world leader. Along with these issues, the urgent need for India to find political solutions to some of the oldest political conflicts in the region is crucial for its recognition as a world leader.
For about a decade now, successive government have taken refuge in coalition politics, which was often projected as the underlying cause that prevented governments from acting with greater determination and will on issues of public importance. As a result, issues of public significance were caught in the web of vote bank politics as parties were continuously guided by electoral politics, rather than placing the interest of the people as it’s paramount concern. Under the cloak of coalition politics, parties functioned along lines of convenience. This naturally affected and influenced the course of India’s politics, which only further alienated people and communities that were already marginalized. The narrow approach to coalition politics ensured it was an era of limited growth.
The recent elections indicate a relative shift away from coalition politics. And it has provided the Congress party with an opportunity to explore the essence of people’s politics with good governance. Time will prove whether the Congress leadership seizes the opportunity to actually demonstrate its relevancy to the people; or continue in the path of elite politicking. For too long, Indian politics have been driven by fear and lack of self-confidence. It is now time for India to overcome the crisis of confidence and begin addressing difficulties and challenges with confidence. The 15th Lok Sabha perhaps provides the finest opportunity to shift away from its past and initiative a new era of inclusive and confident politics.
Only an India which is strong in character, sincere in approach and confident in its abilities can constructively address many of the challenges she is confronted with. And because only a strong political entity has the confidence to respect the rights of others and to accept them as an equal, it is essential for a confident India to address the burdens of its own history and engage in a dialogue that will resolve the many political conflicts it is faced with. It is time for India to rise above its own history!