The Naga Blog is a forum on facebook where Nagas from Nagaland and around the world network, share ideas and discuss a wide range of topics from politics and philosophy to music and current events in Nagaland and beyond. The blog is not owned by any individual, nor is it affiliated to or associated with any political party or religion. The only movement it hopes to stir is the one raised by the voices of the Nagas every step of the way, amassing perhaps to mass consciousness one day.
Jeremiah Pame: "My mother sells vegetables in the market and my father goes to field and I have to cook for my younger brothers and I have to study for my exam."
That was what a little boy said when I asked him about his studies. His name is Martin Newme, he is only 12 years old. He is extraordinarily good in studies despite poverty and hardships. He studies at United Builders School, Tamenglong, Manipur. AMAZING
FACTS: He has been getting only FIRST POSITION, ever since he started going to school at Tamenglong. Sometimes parents of his classmates will be surprised to see this boy some would even say,"Wow this little village boy has been getting first position all these years !"
His handwriting is exceptionally good. Now he is in Class 6. He wants to become an IAS officer. When I met him and his father last December, the father said " He studies very hard. he got first position throughout the year."
PARENTS: His mother is illiterate. she sells vegetables in the market. His father is just a matriculate, he cultivates paddy and vegetables field. He runs from pillar to post just to make both ends meet. His village is around 60 Km away from the town. So he has to cultivate field in the village and when he has completed some works in the village, he comes to town just to be with his familyfor a while. There he goes to work and earn daily wages.
PAINFUL REALITIES: Martin is just only 12 years old. He has 2 younger brothers. they also go to the same school. When the parents are away to earn money, Martin cooks for them and takes them to school. Even after taking care of his brothers he has to study hard.
When I asked his father just a few days back, my heart broke for this little hero. "He is still wearing last year's school uniform because we cannot afford to buy him new one till now.
I'm waiting for some money which i had earned some days back. Sometimes life becomes too hard. I wish I could provide everything, but to tell the truth, some evenings, I'll be worried how to get food for the next day. I just hope God will provide!” In December 2013 when I met this boy i just gave him Rs. 1000 to buy new cloths for Christmas but he did not buy clothes, he just gave it to his father so that his 2 younger brothers could get Christmas dresses. I'm sharing this story to tell fellow Naga brothers and sisters that there are so many children who are exceptionally intelligent but they just don’t have their basic necessities.
If Martin is provided with proper facilities he would definitely become an IAS officer someday. Those who are born and brought up in a good family please make the best use of every privilege and opportunity. Because there are many children who wish to be like you.
Time for an Original Anthem for the Nagas
Joel Nillo Kath: Isn't it a matter for concern that God bless My Nagaland is the ditto copy of God Bless America? Shouldn't a collaborative effort be made to produce THE ORIGINAL since we have highly talented musicians and songwriters? Is there anyone out there willing to take this mantle?
Be Swu: I follow DR. WATI AIER's composition. His previous works can be refer to or if not he is one man whom we can ask for help!
Enzedes Ciredge: After all, we are not the Americans. Parroting their Anthem is rather very funny. IF we are really Unique, Ours so called national Anthem should be Unique and Pure in its own way. Yes, no more COCKTAIL. Should be PURE Naga in Words and Music. Let everyone participate and select the BEST out of it.
Wabang Pongener: There is already a beautifully written song by Uncle R Kevichusa , called GOD BLESS NAGALAND. I like that song.
(The Naga Blog was created in 2008 by Yanpvuo Kikon. This column in The Morung Express will be a weekly feature every Saturday)