How Long?

How long will it be before Nagas realize that there are ways of settling differences of opinion other than just resorting to the use of force and violence? Evidently it seems like the hammer is perceived as the only available tool for resolution, and everything else seen as nails, to be hammered upon. What then is the difference between political actions and criminal acts? 

How long will one turn a deaf ear of indifference to the voices that echoes from the past, reminding the futility of the arrogance of power? Indeed the chasm of the being has reached a point where any possibility of dialogue for understanding is being broken down by the vicious nature of violence within. Tragically, how long will it take for grace to reach the hearts of humankind?

How long will it be before the people challenge their politicians to work for the future of the next generations and not their next election? How long will it take for the bureaucrats to make policies effective in paper as well as in the hearts and lives of the people? Indeed how long will it take to weave freedom with responsibility, service with humility, concern with courage and to act with fairness and equity? How long?

How long will it take before one realizes that with every act of violence; the pain and anger, the hurt and alienation it caused, is being passed on from one generation to the next? How long before one acknowledges that the chasms within is only destroying the very foundation of what one envision to build? How long will it take to recognize that with every missed opportunity for understanding, the chasms only widens and engulfs the drowning voices for freedom?

How long will it be before there one overcomes mistrust, transcends prejudices and stereotypes? How long will it take to put aside pride and reach out to fellow humans with compassion? How long will it take for one to look beyond the façade and concede the truth? How long before one comes to a point where one cannot remain indifferent to the principalities of evil that is eating away the core of human life?

Indeed, how long before every gun is silent, injustices corrected and the human endeavor to live a life of purpose and fulfillment accomplished? Indeed, how long until there is realization that change needs to begin in the consciousness of challenging the status quo of the mind?

But then, how many are out there actually listening and wondering, How Long?

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