IIT-Guwahati students lead march against corruption

Guwahati, January 31 (NNN): IIT-Guwahati students led some 150 volunteers in the march against corruption here Sunday. They trekked 4 km from Sonaram High School to Latasil Field. “The two-hour event was meant to send a message to the government and bureaucrats that corruption will not be tolerated any more.
Our cause was voluntarily supported by various organization here,” said IIT student Ravish Vasan, an organizer of the march flagged off by social activist Meenu Choudhury and Vinay Khandelwal.
Marchers included members of Chinmaya Mission, Marwari Yuva Manch, Art of Living Foundation, Leo Club, Krishak Mukti Sangram Samiti and Army Public Schoo and called fora corruption-free India and seeking stern and transparent anti-graft law called Lokpal. The march coincided with Mahatma Gandhi's death anniversary.

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