Kohima, January 24 (DIPR): Geospatial World Forum 2011 was held from January 18-21, at Hyderabad, INDIA, under the theme “Dimensions and Directions of Geospatial Industry”.
The Geospatial World Forum is a unique and innovative platform to define dimensions and give directions to the Geospatial industry. The conference facilitates meaningful discussion and dialogue among the various stakeholders of the geospatial industry including the developer, professionals, end users and policy makers.
Prof. F J Radermacher, Director, Research Institute for Applied Knowledge Processing, Germany spoke on the Geospatial for eco- social development. Kapil Sibal, Minister for Human Resources Development; Science and Technology; Earth Sciences; Communication and IT, in his speech directed the geospatial industry for serving and empowering people. Calling on the geospatial professionals to unleash the power of geospatial information, the minister pointed out that any technology including the geospatial technology, is an enabler and a vehicle through which information could be delivered to the citizens, empowering them. He also opined that the National Geospatial Data Authority Bill which is on the anvil, will be a great step in this direction.
Gujarat state was awarded as the “Geospatial State of the Country”. Convergence of geospatial technology onto workflows was covered in 60 thematic sessions of symposia and seminars. The conference registered a total of 2266 delegates from 81 countries, 364 speakers and 55 exhibitors.
Delegates from Nagaland GIS and Remote Sensing Centre, Department of Planning and Co ordination, Government of Nagaland, attended the conference for a larger interaction with the geospatial technology developers and users, and to keep pace with the development and directions of Geographical Information System and Remote Sensing technology.
The Geospatial World Forum is a unique and innovative platform to define dimensions and give directions to the Geospatial industry. The conference facilitates meaningful discussion and dialogue among the various stakeholders of the geospatial industry including the developer, professionals, end users and policy makers.
Prof. F J Radermacher, Director, Research Institute for Applied Knowledge Processing, Germany spoke on the Geospatial for eco- social development. Kapil Sibal, Minister for Human Resources Development; Science and Technology; Earth Sciences; Communication and IT, in his speech directed the geospatial industry for serving and empowering people. Calling on the geospatial professionals to unleash the power of geospatial information, the minister pointed out that any technology including the geospatial technology, is an enabler and a vehicle through which information could be delivered to the citizens, empowering them. He also opined that the National Geospatial Data Authority Bill which is on the anvil, will be a great step in this direction.
Gujarat state was awarded as the “Geospatial State of the Country”. Convergence of geospatial technology onto workflows was covered in 60 thematic sessions of symposia and seminars. The conference registered a total of 2266 delegates from 81 countries, 364 speakers and 55 exhibitors.
Delegates from Nagaland GIS and Remote Sensing Centre, Department of Planning and Co ordination, Government of Nagaland, attended the conference for a larger interaction with the geospatial technology developers and users, and to keep pace with the development and directions of Geographical Information System and Remote Sensing technology.