Nagaland Govt clarifies on allegations of PDS Rice scam

DIMAPUR, DECEMBER 11 (MExN): The Government of Nagaland today issued a clarification to reports of an alleged PDS Rice scam in Dimapur involving the Food and Civil Supplies Department. A press release from the Secretary to the Nagaland State Government, Ramongo Lotha informed that the State Government has been appointing State Stockists for procurement of food grains from the FCI for timely availability of funds as well as limitations of godown space.  

In this context, it pointed out that the Department is expected to lift the food grains within the stipulated time given by the FCI, failing which the allocation lapses. “It is for this reason that the Stockists are appointed for implementation of NFSA. Hence, the State Stockists have been actually assisting the department in keeping custody of the food grains which is regularly inspected by the departmental officials,” it added.  

The press note informed that the food grains in the godown of the State Stockist raided on December 9 and subsequently sealed by the Police is “meant for despatch to the districts/ FPS.” It informed that only Mokokchung, Mon and Tuensang have FCI Food Storage Depots (FSD), while other districts are fed through FSD Dimapur. Responding to allegations that the food grains are being diverted, it informed that such allegations have not been brought to the notice of the Government. “If such allegations are true, there is no reason why the Government will not take action...however, the same has to be based on some finding of prima facie illegality...” it said.  

On allegation of packaging of food grains in plastic bags that were found in the sealed godown, the government clarified that the Stockist had sought permission from the Department for repackaging into plastic bags “since gunny bags in which the rice is received from the FCI are torn while loading/ unloading during transit, resulting in spillage/wastage.” It revealed that this issue of wastage was raised to the notice of the centerduring the meeting of Secretaries of NE States at Guwahati in October. “The Union Food Secretary clarified there were no provisions for making good the losses. Hence, in order to avoid such wastage and to ensure that the PHH get their allotted entitlement, permission was granted for repackaging of the rice into plastic bags,” it added.

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