Nagaland Vision Document 2030 aims big on employment

Our Correspondent
Kohima | December 11  

The Nagaland Vision 2030 document, which was recently released by the Nagaland State Government, envisions the desired developmental directions and goals of the state of Nagaland in various significant sectors.  

It proposed that substantial investment along with up-scaling the communitization process should be undertaken for reconstruction and upgradation of the old school and hospital buildings including accommodation facilities as part of the government plan and programme within the next five years. Promoting the participation of the private sector for improving the social services has to be a part of the government policy, the document added.  

Meanwhile, it also pointed out that one of the thrust areas is employment, especially of the growing numbers of educated youth.   I

t is estimated that about 13,000 educated young people enter the job market annually. Taking into account the 3% attrition rate of government employees per annum, employment opportunities of about 3500 to 4000 would emerge in government sector every year. This implies a need for creation of employment opportunities of at least 10,000 annually. 

Emphasis on skill development of the youth to enable them to meet the demands of the emerging job market in India is essential, the document said.  

Against this backdrop, the Sixth Economic Census indicates that there are about 1, 62,000 people employed outside farming and the government sector. Given the employment elasticity (0.58), the vision document envisages the Gross State Domestic Product to grow at the rate of 10 per cent per annum so as to enable creation of at least 9000 to 1000 new job opportunities in the state every year.  

A look at the present economic status of the state indicates that industrialization will take some time to take place. It is envisaged to materialize after 10 years when the necessary infrastructures and enabling environments are created.   Accordingly, in the next ten years perspective, the focus area for development is the agriculture sector with concentration on specialization and commercial scale production while simultaneously, keeping in mind the need for food security.  

‘Triple- IACs’ (IIIACs: Integrated, Intensive, Inclusive Agriculture Clusters) have been suggested. This approach would not only mean coordination amongst the agriculture and allied sectors but also with the infrastructure departments such as power and roads with close involvement of the industries for promoting processing and entrepreneurship.  

These clusters require to be given attention for the potential also for skill development and employment generation, the document stated.  

In the power sector, the vision document stated that the immediate requirement is the upgradation and improvement of the transmission and distribution systems. In the long- term perspective the generation potential in the state, especially hydro and new and renewable energies, have to be fully developed within 2030.  

It also stated that the IT connectivity up to the village level, which is crucial, should be put in place within the next three years.  

Development of infrastructure will promote trade and commerce and will also enhance the services sector that will open up large employment opportunities, the vision document observed.  

In the social sector especially pertaining to education and health, it observed that the infrastructure so far created has been quite substantial and the need in the next 5 to 7 years is to improve the quality of services provided by the various public institutions such as schools and hospitals. For this, the focus should be on improving and upgrading the skills and capacities of the service providers such as teachers and health care workers.

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