Kohima, December 11 (MExN): St. Peter’s Church, Tsupfume was blessed by Most Rev. Dr. James Thoppil, Bishop of Kohima and inaugurated by Rev. Fr. Philip, SJ, Parish Priest, Pfutsero in the presence of fathers, sisters, catechist, village leaders and invited guests.
Rev. Fr. James Thsipongkiu, Parish Priest, Razaba mentioned it was a long awaited dream to have the good church for the Catholic faithful of Tsupfume. He thanked Bishop, Frs. George Punnolil, Jose Sebastian, Catholic community of Tsupfume for the tremendous efforts taken to complete the church.
The Bishop thanked God for the blessing that the community and the church are receiving from the benefactors. He requested the community to pray for them and also applauded Rev. Fr. James Thsepongkiu and the Catholic community for efforts taken to complete the church.
During the Holy Mass, he reflected on St. Paul’s saying “…You are God’s temple” (1Cor. 3:16); “…Your body is a temple of the Holy spirit” (1Cor 6:19); “…We are the temple of the living God” (2Cor. 6:16). “The real Church, therefore, my brothers and sisters, are we. We are the living temple of God. We must build this temple every day. God must dwell within us. This of course is not easy and yet it is our prime duty,” he stated. The Bishop further expressed “our” love for Jesus is proven by keeping his word. “The ultimate way that we keep God’s word is by focusing our mind on his word to the point of obedience. The fruit of obedience is God revealing Himself to us.”