The New Nagaland – A Dictatorial Monarchy or a Democracy?

The Naga Blog is a forum on facebook where Nagas from Nagaland and around the world network, share ideas and discuss a wide range of topics from politics and philosophy to music and current events in Nagaland and beyond. The blog is not owned by any individual, nor is it affiliated to or associated with any political party or religion. The only movement it hopes to stir is the one raised by the voices of the Nagas every step of the way, amassing perhaps to mass consciousness one day.

Yanpvuo Kikon: FOOTHILL turns into FOOTGATE? It all started when a Contract for the Foothill Road worth Rs.16 Crores was given out to two contractors without even following any Govt laid down rules and procedures of OPEN AND TRANSPARENT TENDERING PROCESS! No Notice Inviting Tendering, no bidding and even the request from Nagaland Contractors and Suppliers Union appealing to go for 'OPEN TENDER' was rejected by the Committee and to top it all a statement was given, "There are no competent Lotha contractors...." which hurt the sentiments of Lothas from all over!

We all read this shocking press release by the NFHRCC "It is made very clear that the NFHRCC is constituted on the strength of the apex Hohos. Therefore no one is allowed to undermine the majesty and dignity of the NFHRCC. It is also resolved by the apex Hohos that there is no reason to tender apology by the NFHRCC before any forum in respect of ongoing foothill road construction.” Yes we all read it right, it is the word ‘Majesty’! Till today I thought I was living in a Democracy! If such authoritarian and monarchical examples are displayed by our elders then this is not the Nagaland I dreamed to live in.

A challenge to our Naga Values of Honesty, Integrity, a Egalitarian classless society where Decisions for the People are made in consultation with the People and not by a committee whose role is simply to act as a watchdog and a coordinator. Under what circumstances did such a Committee step above the law and become the supreme authority to start giving out big contracts without even floating a tender is indeed a harsh prick in our conscience.

The news statement further reads "It reiterated the NHFRCC stand that it will not retract the contract agreement between the NFHRCC and the contractors (P. Imty Ao and Yashitsungba Aier) dated January 18, 2014. Any other agreement, with regard to subletting, without the approval of the NFHRCC will be treated as null and void, the conclave asserted."

With the Nagaland Contractors’ and Suppliers’ Union (NCSU) coming into the picture, the conclave asked the NCSU to withdraw its press statement demanding “open tender.” Failing to do so will compel the ten Hohos to disallow the NCSU to execute any work in the jurisdiction of the ten tribe Hohos, the conclave resolved. "

Unbelievable? Believe it because this is how our State is run! What has become of our older generation and woe be upon our younger who will shoulder these values and examples shown to us by our leaders. The only plea from the bottom of our hearts is this - Give the contract to any individual from any tribe, we have no problem but Float a tender and LET THE BEST MAN WIN THROUGH A FAIR AND TRANSPARENT BIDDING PROCESS! Prove to your children that you still honour and practice our ancient Naga values of Honesty and Integrity, prove to us that the Rule of Law is supreme in our society. All the best wishes for the foothill road to start with blessings of the younger generation, because tomorrow we will walk these roads which you build for us today.

Stephen Yanthan: An organization which is set up or formed for a particular purpose should also know its own powers and limitations. Under no circumstance, it can function and discharge or usurp the Legislative or Executive powers of the State. Once it crosses the 'Laxman Rekha', the people will surely start questioning and challenging the self assumed Legislative or Executive powers. At the same time, the State cannot delegate or barter away its Legislative or Executive powers, which is vested in itself, to any organization/s. Rule of Law, is supreme in democracy.

Rozelle Mero: I applaud that a foothill project is underway as it is very much needed.. I applaud that the larger community wants to make sure the work is done well, I applaud that a body was formed to assist the department and the government in the smooth transition of the activities or so I thought. What I do not like is that they have not been open and fair with their decisions, but have done what the people they have been accusing of doing are doing. These are some things I question and there may be a valid answer for it all.

1.There is an organisation that records all the contractors names as its members, why were they also not taken into consideration for consultation when seeking contractors? Are the 2 contractors also not a part of that union?

2. The people of the lands or the landowners whose property the roads go through, were they or their elected representatives a part of the decision makings? (by this I do not mean the people in the committee, but if the committee members speak for the community, what was done before the decisions were taken on their part to reach out to the local people who were directly a part of the historic venture by DONATING their lands?)

3. What were the points taken to select the contractors that were issued the order?

4. Why would a committee member be given the contract, isn't that raising a conflict of interest and being corrupted?

5. What is so difficult in getting the work done sooner by subcontracting work to the locals and keeping an eye to make sure the work is done properly? Wouldn't it be a win win for all?

6. What is the use of a government body if they cannot take responsible decisions by themselves after listening to the advise of the organisation assisting them but instead let them make the decision they should be making?

7. It is good that the Tribal Hohos affected by it are taking an interest in ensuring it is done properly... but if they were really for the welfare and progress of the people they will ask the organisation created for the purpose to not make arbitrary decisions but to ask the opinion of the people affected so no jhamela comes in between. Ventures of such epic and 'historic' proportions should not be decide in a closed forum. It reeks too much of hidden agendas and frankly they could be quite blameless and just getting a blacklash of some miscalculation on their part when they made decisions..

8. And now to instigate the Tribal Hohos to issue ultimatums to genuine registered contractors is a form of blackmail.

(The Naga Blog was  created in 2008  by Yanpvuo Kikon. This  column in The Morung  Express will be a weekly feature  every Saturday)


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