DIMAPUR, NOVEMBER 25 (MExN): In a rejoinder to the reaction of the Peoples Committee for Peace Initiatives in Assam (PCPIA) on its press release concerning ULFA the Naga International Support Center said that it saw the argument raised as a non-argument. NISC said that it saw the internet as a mean of communication a way to comment on reality and not as an end in itself and that it has no motivation to start a war, virtual or otherwise and the venue used is of no importance but quality and sincerity are. “Based on following the developments in the Northeast and the relations between the peoples concerned, NISC commented with restraint on reported news.”
The group further added that individual and collective human rights, if not properly addressed will obstruct the peace processes embarked; they are bound to fail and that when the actual “motivation behind alliances or acts are not revealed and so out in the open, you can expect lots of critique from any source worth its salt.” The NISC continued that in all fairness the people of Assam have every right to determine their own future; the Indian Government signed the Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (13 September 2007) and the people, ULFA represents, against occupation and military aggression is a rightful way of acting which is what ULFA does. But it said that the acts when committed by ULFA and the associations they chose are not. “If not at this stage these acts of terrorism against its own people and others are criticized and ultimately condemned then what will be condoned in the future?”
Furthermore, NISC said the press release, which started with this question: Has ULFA joined the ‘how to divide the Naga Peoples’ bull market?, was meant for ULFA to react on. Most knowledgeable people in Assam and for that matter the Northeast know about the unpublished intentions of the Government of India to divide and rule. It went on to say that when ULFA feels NISC has ‘jumped the gun’, NISC in all fairness, will apologize for having drawn conclusions on not too firmly based actualities which have no bearings in the history of the conflict but it said that terrorism has bearings though and are adding to divisions in the Northeast too. Since NISC is a public body, easily approached directly, it invited the PCPIA and ULFA to express themselves, directly and amicably on primarily the two points raised; on the liaisons with the NSCN- Khaplang (which collaborates with the GOI Forces) and on the situation with the Boro People, the indigenous peoples of the land. “As you suggested there is no need to fight any ‘war’ virtually or in the press!!!”, it stated.