Dimapur, August 15 (MExN): The Naga National Council Parent Body (NNC-PB) celebrated the Naga Independence Day along with the Kilonsers, Tatars and army personnel with thanksgiving and prayer in Dimapur on August 14.
A press release from MIP, NNC (PB) stated that during the occasion General Secretary Francis Kikon urged upon all to thank God for His guidance in leading them in the struggle for the Naga cause.
During this period of trail and struggle, everyone should seek the love and support of the people, which is a gist for success in the struggle, he said.
Kikon also noted that over the years many organisations have cropped up but their ‘call is all the same.’
Hence, he stressed on the importance of the co-existence along with the National struggle for peaceful atmosphere and cooperation.
The General Secretary also pointed out that some “National workers have overstepped at some point of time” and gone against the interest of the people.
Such things should henceforth not be repeated and create bad precedence, he asserted.
Expressing deep anguish over the rate of unemployment and lack of opportunities, he called upon the State government and the elites of the society to put their heads together for the glory of the Nagas, the release added.