Non merit vs merit in Nagaland


Merit is the criteria for any competitive examination and on the basis of merit, selections are done on former. Quality manifest effectiveness and efficiency, but off late the state seems to be in deep sleep as it has failed to come out with a comprehensive policy towards appointments of lecturers to higher education. It is imperative to come with a policy, on appointment of lecturers so that quality of education is not compromise with quantity at any cost.

However there are instances in various departments, under Nagaland University, where large scale appointments are done through informal relationships and without proper conduct of written examination. Such characteristic is very much visible in the state university, the rule of procedure is in total collapse and appointment is done mere on marks and interviews, such irrational policy of selecting the candidates sends a wrong order of precedence to other departments. It is indeed a serious matter that needs quick response and remedies for meet quality education in Nagaland.

Lecturer’s appointments to higher education needs a serious revamp of policy to meet future challenges and goals and to upgrade the quality of education but state seems to be acting in a very despotic manner, where people are not given enough of opportunity to proof their caliber, and large sections of people are deprived of their rights and opportunity. The state, so talked of “Good Governance” seems to be contradicting itself! The problem lies, with the lack of comprehensive policy on conduct of examination for such post. I would like to remind to the state, that as per the Honorable Supreme Court order; even PhD holders have to pass the NET (National Eligibility Test) exam which is conducted at the All India Level to be eligible for appointment as lecturer.

Notification dated July 31, 2002 UGC said that, “NET shall remain the compulsory requirement for appointment as a lecturer even for candidates having a PhD degree, however, the candidates who has completed M.phil by 31december 1993 and has submitted PhD thesis to the university in the concerned subject on or before 31 December 2002 will be exempted from appearing in the NET examination in such cases, candidates who fail to obtain their PhD degree, they shall have to pass the net examination”.

The guidelines clearly mentioned that all appointment should be done on the basis of NET, but strangely the state government is failing to follow this guideline, as most of the lecturers in their respective departments are teaching without clearing the NET, so their caliber is highly questionable?. As the basic notion should be not to compromise on “quality to higher education”, there are large numbers of unreported cases where lecturers are without NET qualification.

Another area that needs to refocus is the selections of candidates were and are done on marks and this clearly compromise on quality of candidates. Such irrational decision by the government is very disturbing!  My argument is, how can you judge a person only by mere marks and interview? So it mandatory for the Nagaland University headed by vice chancellor to look upon the matter seriously and come to a consensus soon before higher education comes to a total collapse.

It must be noted that our country does not have a uniform grading system at all levels Schools, Colleges or post graduate level so the present selections of candidates for lecturers is very irrational, secondly it must be noted that as compare to north Southern states are know for their liberal marking system that even a mediocre students touch the Heaven, so “Marks” is the very basic criteria, for appointment of lecturers to higher education, so the question is? Who is more qualified? Nobody knows the answer!!

The answer lies for an “Open field Competition” so that quality candidates are appointed but it seems to be in a reverse way, where candidates without NET are being appointed in most of the department which the Nagaland University is clearly violating, the University Grant Commission (UGC) norms, which has been prescribed to all the university in India.

There is lack of accountability and transparency as large sections of candidates are at the mercy of Nagaland university autocratic policy of elitism, they should realizes that they are sections of people in the society where they wait for such opportunity to aspire their dreams in teaching profession but such irrational policy has been at large and finally aspirants pays the brunt.

Here are some of the recommendations that would create a uniform system for appointments of lecturers to higher education:
1)    There should a common entrance test for appointment of lectures for any higher education, and the pattern should be of descriptive in nature of their respective subjects, minimum eligibility should be of 50% as at all India level minimum qualification is 50% for ST/SC and OBC.

2)    NET should be the basic requirement for any appointment in higher education, as the exam is conducted at all India level, if appointment is done for other reasons it should be on  ad-hoc basis, until they clear the NET examination. It is not merely for the sack of getting job but whether you are passionate about the subject and art of teaching.

3)    New departments such as Mass Communication which was recently opened, needs to maintain quality control on the teaching faculty as there are such appointments where candidates without NET certificate are being appointed. Such blunt appointment deteriorates the quality of teaching and these are more professional jobs which needs professional experiences. Quality should not be compromise at any cost.

I believe, that such steps would enhances transparency and effectiveness in quality of lecturers, it must be realized that competition adds to quality of higher education. At the end of the day, there should be clear procedure of law, as all rules are guided by law and no one is above “the rule of law”. Political interference on appointments should not be tolerated at any cost and higher education should be of quality to meet global level if not at all India level.

Who would want to be taught by an unqualified lecturer, who has failed to clear the basic criteria of passing the NET? Not ME!! And any right thinking students would think likewise, nevertheless let’s hope on a positive note, that the state of machinery, realize these issues that, concerns every citizens in the state and it wake’s up from its sleep of incompetence, irrationality and sensitivity.

The writer is an MA (Political Science), New Delhi

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