The ethnic strife in troubled torn NC Hills, Assam refuses to go away despite all efforts made by the Government of Assam and the security forces to bring the situation under control. It is appalling to learn about the heavy security deployment in the effected region but yet the scale of violence refuses to ebb. This is a mystery because more than 65,000 security personnel have been deployed in the small district with a population of around 2 Lakh since the beginning of the ethnic violence between the Zemes and Dimasas. The unfortunate part is that the Tarun Gogoi led Congress government in Assam remains oblivious to the pain, turmoil and insecurity faced by innocent people in NC Hills, whether they are Zeme Nagas or Dimasas. The government’s response is indicative that there is something wrong with the intent or it lacks the will to resolve the growing ethnic trouble ever since the demand of the DHD (J) group for change of district nomenclature from NC Hills to ‘Dima Hasao Raji’ (Hill kingdom of the Dimasas). It is becoming clear that the Nagas in Assam are being looked down upon by the establishment there and it appears to be a systemic design to undermine the interest and also the historical rights of the Zeme Nagas residing since time immemorial in the NC Hills. The Central government has also failed to respond appropriately making it all too clear that the human rights of the Zeme Nagas and the Dimasas can be trampled upon and their age old peaceful coexistence obliterated. There appears to be an ill motive to prolong the conflict and keep the region divided along ethnic and tribal lines.
It is now all the more important that both Naga and Dimasa civil society groups must start to take greater control of the conflict situation before it turns into something more terrible and horrible. The Dimasa civil society should also come out openly against the use of violence in any form by the DHD ultras. On its part, the Zeliangrong Baudi should also call for restrain of those who have taken resort to revenge. Violent actions will not serve the purpose but will rather aggravate the situation further along communal lines. As far as the Assam State government goes, the one ray of hope is the appointment of the Nagaland Governor K Sankaranarayanan given the additional charge of Assam following the death of the state’s Governor Shiv Charan Mathur. The civil society groups both Nagas and Dimasas should use this opportunity to seek an audience with the Governor at the earliest. The appointment of Sankanarayanan will hopefully make some difference as he will be in a better position to understand the basis of the recent turmoil in NC Hills given the proximity of the region to Nagaland. And as the constitutional head of the State, the Governor should ask the Assam Chief Minister to take immediate corrective measures to protect the life and property of the Zeme Nagas and Dimasas who have been caught up in the ensuring political violence perpetuated by armed groups and supported by State actors. First and foremost, the rule of law must be restored in the NC Hills after which the second important thing is to set in motion a dialogue process to hear the grievances of both the communities and ensuring that everything is resolved in a democratic and non-violent manner. Any difference between the two communities as also their innate aspiration should be sorted out amicably through mutual dialogue.