People & Democracy

In an era of globalism and concentration of power through corporates and rigid States, it is only but natural to witness the popular growth of peoples movement, or in other words, the unfolding of Democracy from Below. For as long as one can remember, rigid States through the use of State coercion have practiced a system of Democracy from Above. However, as State power transformed itself in the post-cold war era, it created a stop-gap, leaving behind an opportunity for social movements to reorganize themselves through pragmatic thinking and to align themselves in critical solidarity with others.

It has become inevitable for movements that represent values of Democracy from Below to be rooted with the people. Simultaneously they are required to have the political maturity that combines knowledge of internal situation with external conditions, so that, they have a plan for the immediate and a plan for the future. After all, any movement can only achieve what is achievable within their time.  

In essence, the present has come to signify a period of recovery for social movements; representing a combination of indigenous mass involvement with a certain degree of contemporariness. The key towards successful recovery implies the necessity of political will for self-criticism, honest and open admission of mistakes, going back to the roots and having the ability to diplomatically maneuver successful solidarity and pragmatic understanding. Movements failing to adopt and adapt to the changing internal and external conditions will invariably find themselves at the foot of a mountain. 

It is true to say that miscalculated policies are quickly depleting the ability of the powers that be to sustain its once unchallenged position. Winds of change are certainly blowing everywhere. While empirical reality reveal global conditions which necessitates Democracy from Below to replace Democracy from Above, internal conditions within each particular situation will need to be examined to assess the ripeness of time. Hence, for winds of change to actually take place, the question of political courage and willingness is at the forefront of history.   

Indeed, the aching need for Democracy from Below is now more than ever amongst indigenous people. The ever increasing deafness of the powers that be to easily discerned cries of the people for basic human needs such as food, water, shelter, electricity, education and right to dignified life are only deepening chasms and inflicting wounds on the people. There is no doubt that the powers that be are guilty of neglect, and while it may seem easy to ignore its cost, the impact of the neglect on human life cannot be ignored. 

It is fundamental that the goals and means of the existing status quo are judiciously examined, so that, the sense of reason acquires a principled role in the need for Democracy from Below to take responsibility in ensuring the realization and sustainability of human existence.  

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