‘Respect Nagas’ right as a people and nation’

Newmai News Network
Kohima | December 9

On the eve of International Human Rights Day, the Naga People’s Movement for Human Rights in Kohima today alleged that India has, time and again, betrayed the Nagas’ trust and has strengthened her grip on them. Secretary General of the NPMHR, Dr. N Venuh in a message on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, said the Nagas are not living in isolation as “our situation is perceived and understood by other nations of the world”. The organization said “the world also knows that ours is a history of betrayal, dishonesty and violence; violence inflicted upon us.”

The NPMHR maintained that India, with her military power, overran and subjugated the Nagas, besides blatantly violating their rights as individuals and as a social group and a nation. ‘In response to India’s violent and inhuman approach to our political conflict’, he said, ‘Nagas have been peacefully and respectfully pursuing a resolution through a negotiated settlement, nonetheless without compromising our rights as an independent nation and people’. But India has, time and again, betrayed the trust and has strengthened her grip upon the Nagas, the NPMHR stated.

On the day, December 10, the NPMHR has appealed to India and ‘her people and the powers of the world’ to respect the human rights declaration in letter and spirit and to also understand that the world could be a better place for everyone only through the realization of these rights. 

“The global culture of rights … should be a unifying force within and among all cultures” the NPMHR stated. The organization also called upon every Naga to stand by “our rights” without faltering and with renewed vigor. “Our journey of liberation has been long and it is only right that we complete it, and do that we must, through peace and goodwill,” the NPMHR added.

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