RNTBCP Nagaland launches 99 DOTS and IPT

Kohima, December 12 (MExN): The Revised National TB Control Programme (RNTBCP) Nagaland has become one of the states in India to launch the 99 DOTS (Daily Anti TB Treatment) for TB and HIV co-infected patients and IPT (Isoniazid Preventative Therapy) for PLHIV on December 9 at NHAK Conference hall.     

The State TB Officer, Dr. KT Lotha illustrated on the implementation of 99 DOTS and IPT (Isoniazid Preventive Therapy). He emphasized that for the successful running of these two initiatives a closer functioning between the RNTCP and NSACS becomes crucial. Since 2008, coordination between these two programmes has started, and is working in close co-ordination for TB and HIV.  

Dr. Asunu Thong, District TB Officer Kohima who chaired the programme gave a brief introduction about this significant initiative.  

Dr. L Watikala Ao, Principal Director, DHFW, launched the 99DOTS and IPT by giving medicines on the spot to two patients ie, Co-infected and PLHIV patient.  

In his closing remark Dr. M Kire, Project Director, NSACS stressed that 25% HIV related death are of TB and that 99 DOTS will very much benefit the PLHIV Patients. He also added that from now on all the Staff will have to upscale their activities. He also lamented on the fact that HIV patients die of ignorance. It is expected that Referral Linkages will be increased and no one should be left out, informed a press release issued by State TB Officer, Dr. KT Lotha.  

Further, it is also an appeal on behalf of both the RNTCP and NSACS programme to all the PLHIV and TB Patients to come forward and avail this facility. It may be mentioned here that at the National level, Isoniazid Preventive Therapy (IPT) was launched on December 1.  

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