Technology without electricity

Lacking any other means, I would like to draw the attention of the Government in general and the Power Department in particular this grievances of all entrepreneurs. 

That while the government is spending so much money on the awareness programme for self-employment of our unemployed youth; I put forth these problems for proper introspection by the government.

1) Whereas the government is hoping on self employment through entrepreneurship such as (a) motor workshop, (b) computer desktop business (c) small scale and cottage industries (d) electronic machineries repairing. 

2) And whereas, the Government does not give power supply to run the above during working hours, especially in Phek District.

We are willing and have the capability to run the above but the Government does not give power without which we cannot operate our machineries. Moreover, I would like to ask if the Government’s intention is to let us work at night when some power is released sometimes and not during working hours. Furthermore, while the government has made computer mandatory in all schools how can they operate during school hours without power?

This is ridiculous and we sincerely ask the government to release power (electricity) during working hours and not indulge in double-talk or arrogate to itself the right to glorify itself in self-exoneration. 

Kupelhi Losou
Pfutsero Town, Phek District

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