Why American & Why NOT Local Entertainment?

The Naga Blog is a forum on facebook where Nagas from Nagaland and around the world network, share ideas and discuss a wide range of topics from politics and philosophy to music and current events in Nagaland and beyond. The blog is not owned by any individual, nor is it affiliated to or associated with any political party or religion. The only movement it hopes to stir is the one raised by the voices of the Nagas every step of the way, amassing perhaps to mass consciousness one day.

Thejakhrietuo Kire: Flip through the newspapers and you will SEE ONLY NEWS FROM WESTERN WORLD!! "Justin Beiber Brushed his teeth", "Prince William had EGGS for breakfast", "One Direction stopped using hair gel..." Come on! Are we American or Naga? We also have soooo many local talents doing so good, why are our newspapers not even sparing a little space for our OWN LOCAL ENTERTAINMENT? Of course once in a while we see this kind of news but is it justified and fair?

Our local dailies, especially the infotainment and sports page, don't they have any field reporters? I really feel that our local media is NOT at all helping. Do the reporters only wait for shows to pop-up? Like a music event, a fashion even or youths starting their own business and involvement in modern technology which is just soo rare to see in local dailies except maybe a few promotions on facebook.

What I want to share is that We got so many talented musicians, designers, entrepreneurs etc.Why aren't any reporters taking the initiative to publicize it and popularize these talents? Just an example:

(Caption of News) "Alobo's Secret Girlfriend is Revealed!", "We The Giants working on tour and new album." "Kuvelu Tetseo of Tetseo Sisters secures 1st Division in MA" etc
I think in simple what I want to say is that, can't the reporters get into the personal life stories as well? Which I think by doing so will not only motivate and inspire our youngsters to think beyond American Lifestyle and Govt Service but also learn to support and promote our own struggling artists and sports stars!

Zhavi Thorie: Maybe the media persons don't have any clue as to where they could track down such information and publicize it on newspapers. In other countries, paparazzis do the job, they are the source of celebrity publicity so it is much easier for them. I don't know how the media is functioning here but they should certainly improve their present functions. Maybe they should divide their work force like dedicating a certain batch for certain area like some in music, sports, others in politics and so on.  It pisses me off when I see Prince William & Kate making its appearance everyday in the infotainment page for silly silly reasons. Maybe our field reporters are being lazy but whatever it is, the system needs a major revamp!

No Re-Poll in Ladigarh: Nagaland Govt loosing authority to Assam?

Nokchem Angth: Why are the Assam Police always creating a problems in the border area? Are they doing this all by their own or is there someone behind? We Nagas should fight together rather than to give away the issue to a particular community or villages. We all can see the issues in the border area, when you look at the Eastern part, Assam police has illegally occupied our land (Ladigarh), see in the western side you will see Rengma Nagas are suffering like hell, come out and see in the Northern side, you will see the same problem with Lotha Nagas. Why is our state government so silent on these issues? It’s not about 16,579 sq.km to be added with some more few square kilometers. But, it about our land and our right. It is really made sadden to read this morning paper under the caption 'No re-poll in Ladigarh PS recommended'. What is this?

Mark Ngullie: They come as civilians, fire bullets and blame us for firing first. Can’t the Nagaland police too dress like civilians and arrest them when they enter nagaland and carry out unlawful activities under the Arms Act?

John Kiewhuo: Assam police is crossing all the limits in undemocratic and arbitrary means and our police and IRBs has become just a piece of decoration. Assam Govt. should be held solely responsible in the event of any repercussions in the coming days.
Chon Kikon: Chalo this calls for another MERAPANI War, where Assam Police was crushed into oblivion in the early Eighties! Their weapons were captured by civilians,and with my own eyes too I saw even an LMG! Case is still going on regarding loss of arms and ammo by Assay Police. These Assam Police are gutless when it comes to warlike situation, they'll flee sh*ting in their pants! During that war many Naga Tribes sent reinforcement to Merapani, I vividly reminisce welcoming our Konyak Warriors chanting War Cries and looking so ferocious with Tattooed faces, coming to our aid. Assam thinks number is might but reality and history has proved otherwise. We NAGAS have that HEADHUNTING BLOOD GUSHING in our VEINS, let IT not be subdued by anyone, lest our"Ancestor's bones stir in their graves". Sometimes we gotta fight fire with FIRE! PS: Yours truly, not inciting war!

Adeto Keyho: For reason best known to us only, if the issue was with Manipur or Arunachal, our State Govt. and its force, including our infamous UG's will go "All in" like a poker game, fearless to confront the issue but if it is Assam, then they are like sitting ducks. Why? And to add more, none of this people from Assam who are creating havoc and fear psychosis to our brethrens at the border areas are even REAL Assamese but refugees who illegally crossed the border from Bangladesh and have established their safe haven at this disputed borders under the protection of nakli assamese police force. Food for thought dear Nagas!

T Mantah Konyak: Bangaladeshis and other immigrants (Tea gardeners) are a major vote bank for Assamese politicians now. Taking advantage of this situation, these illegal immigrants are pushing their interest further which brings into conflict with the Assamese traditional neighbours like Nagas, Arunachalis, Khasis and Bodos. If the original inhabitant Assamese, let this run loose on their neighbours then there will come a day when they will be aliens in their own land. As for our Naga leaders (Churches, Underground, Overground) they are busy buying land rovers, Rolex watches and palaces, who give a sh*t about what the rest of Naga society think about them or are going through, during election the public will come flocking to them like chicks to get some pieces of crumbs.

(The Naga Blog was  created in 2008  by Yanpvuo Kikon. This  column in The Morung  Express will be a weekly feature  every Saturday)

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