Why didn’t God use Moses’ hand instead of the staff?

Liba Hopeson 
BTC, Pfutsero

With three letters word question ‘why’ to God, many ultimately end up miserably in disbelieving and rejecting God. It can immensely ruin a person’s life because, God who is a loving Being, can be renounced. Yes, it shakes many people’s faith. However, some use the word ‘why’ to God and draw closer to God. They learn more about the amazing love and greatness of God. For instance, I have heard a woman saying, why God has to love me like this and call me back all the time though I backslide again and again. Interestingly, she added, “God’s love is really amazing and His ways are wonderful, I cannot comprehend it”.

Yes, for some God’s love is so great that they wonder and ask, ‘why is God so loving and kind’? Ironically, many ask many unhealthy questions to God with the word ‘why’ and stray from Him. Why is God partial? Why doesn’t he remove all these troubles and pains in our lives? Why God never answer my prayer? Why does God allow evil to be on the earth and attack the humanity? There are many undesirable phenomena in the world today, but why is God not controlling all these situations? What is God doing in this present world? Questions go on and on. But, many a times, I ask questions about God and come closer to Him because I end up thinking about the power, majesty, holiness and the love of God. I usually end up with the thought that God is God, and He is above everything.

Why didn’t God use Moses’ hand instead of the staff is one question that I have been asking and gain valuable lessons. Here, you might ask me, was it wrong for God to use the staff to perform mighty things? Definitely not! I’m not trying to say that God made a mistake in using the staff. But, as I think, if God used Moses’ hand, it would have been more effective. The simple reason is that, there were many magicians and others too who performed super-natural deeds and impress people. So, according to my opinion, if God used the hand of Moses, it would have portrayed greater power(s). But, from this story, it is still worth asking, was the staff used by Moses with the power of God only meant for the deliverance of the Israelites or the people of that generation, or is there anything that God wants to tell to the future generations, to us? This question concerns me and I learn that it has profound theological meanings and implications for the entire humanity, throughout the ages down to this generation. It may not be an important matter or a serious concern for many, considering it to be preposterous that you want to brush it off. Indeed, it is not a big question for us to ask, without which we have to face problems or bad consequences. Yet, when we read any Scripture critically with a right attitude, we learn something worthwhile.

Now, what can we learn from the story of Moses using the staff manifested by God? We all know that the Israelites were under the bondage of the Egyptians for years. They were mercilessly oppressed and suppressed for years. So, God called Moses to be His agent to deliver the Israelites from the cruel rule of the Egyptians.  At first, Moses was reluctant to go and meet the rulers for he feared that they wouldn’t listen to him. But, God assured him of His help with the simple staff that was in his hand. In fact, God worked mightily with the simple staff and delivered the Israelites. The staff became very significant and precious in the salvation history of Israel. It worked wonderfully because God was present in it.

Today, there are many who compare their lives with others and discourage themselves. They ask many questions. He is very smart, but I am not, why? She is very good in singing, but I don’t know how to sing, why? Many can preach very well, but I am very weak, why? He is very good in studies, but I am very weak, why? She is very good in music, but I am zero, why? He is very handsome, but I am not, why? She is very pretty, but I am ugly, why? They are very smart in everything, but what I am good for nothing, why? Why God? What am I going to do? I am dejected! I am hopeless! I don’t have good talents and potentialities like others. Brethren, Moses too, at first, did not trust himself. He thought he was too feeble to take such a mammoth task. But, God used him. Amazing! The simple staff worked miraculously! It became one of the crucial mechanisms for the deliverance of the Israelites. Yes, we all know – it was just a simple staff. So, do you think you are too weak? God can use you mightily with your weaknesses. We think we are empty, but God will use us with our emptiness. Do you think you are very simple, not good enough to do great things? God will use you with your simplicity. Our weaknesses will be powerful and effective if God is with us. Whatever work we do, if God’s help is there, we can do wonderful things. The lesson from the staff is that, in everything, if the hand of God is there, it can work wonderfully. The only thing we need to do is trust Him, obey Him and seek Him. A simple staff worked wonders with God. So, a simple human can work wonders with God. Let us repose our faith and trust in Him! He is everything to us!


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