Sir-Congratulations to The Morung Express for its successful launch. From the first day of receiving the complimentary copy through my paper hawker I have not missed a single copy of your daily and now I am a regular subscriber of the same. Because as of now I can see that the paper is coming up so nicely in all fronts. I urge you to continue to keep us (the readers) updated, informed and entertained with the true spirit of reporting without bias and prejudice. Some of the local daily/dailies indulge in one sided reporting and a clear sign of inclination/affiliation towards certain section of the society. Some of them can become very selective in news coverage and reporting.
With this kind of experience, I sincerely urge you not to follow their foot steps in this aspect. Today in our State I feel that some NGOs and Social Workers are more interested in talking about outside things instead of setting one’s house in order. In our State of Nagaland, there are disunity between the tribes, warlike situation between national workers, open corruptions in the govt. offices, no transparency in governance etc. Even among the students community, thousands are addicted to talabs, dentrite and other intoxicants but the NGOs including the NSF have done ‘nothing’ to stop this tobacco menace. Talabs are sold openly in Kohima pan shops even in front of the NSF office. In this way when our own house is in shambles with great disorder, why do we give our first priority to secondary things? I have nothing against our people involving in the neighbours or national or international affairs, but before crossing the door why not we ‘set our house in order first?’ Let us prove ourselves first that you and I are good house makers. It feels good to speak great things as loudly as we can. But at the end of the day the only thing that you have done whether good or bad will remain and people are there to judge.
As such I once again urge you to carry on with the wholesome and healthy reporting not forgetting the home front and with which I am sure ‘The Morung Express’ will become second to none not just in our State but in the whole country as well.
Wati Longkumer
On email