New Delhi, Jan 17 (IANS) Sunanda Pushkar, wife of Minister of State Shashi Tharoor, was found dead in a luxury hotel here Friday night, just a day after they claimed they were "happily married" despite an ugly public row.
Police sources told IANS that Pushkar, who married Tharoor in August 2010, was found sprawled on a bed in room 345 at The Leela Palace hotel in south Delhi.
She had reportedly checked into the hotel Thursday night.
On Thursday, Tharoor and Pushkar issued a joint statement saying they were distressed by an "unseemly controversy" over some "unauthorized tweets" posted from their Twitter accounts and that both were "happily married and intend to remain that way".
The statement claimed that "distorted accounts" of comments "allegedly made by Sunanda", alleging an affair between her husband and a Pakistani journalist, had "led to some erroneous conclusions".
"We wish to stress that we are happily married and intend to remain that way."
A Congress MP from Thiruvananthapuram, it was Thaoor's third marriage to Pushakar and her second.
A scandal erupted Wednesday after tweets posted on Tharoor's account reportedly spoke of his love to the Pakistani journalist, Mehr Tarar, who denied she was having an affair with the Indian minister.
Pushkar initially threatened to divorce Tharoor, who then tweeted that his twitter account had been hacked and would be offline for sometime.
But a furious Pushkar told a newspaper that Mehr could be a Pakistani spy and that she was stalking Thaoor. "And you know how men are. He is flattered by the attention."
"I will not allow this to be done to me. I just can't tolerate this. I have nothing more to say," she told the Economic Times.
Tarar threatened to file a defamation suit against Pushkar for calling her a Pakistani intelligence agent.
She also trashed Pushkar, saying her conduct was "nauseous".