• Nagas are professional head hunters.
• With NSCNs and the local politicians monopolizing the existing system for their relatives and children, where is the space for our extremely talented youth to assume leadership in the true sense? Actual empowered leadership led by the educated youth is the need of the hour. But nepotism and economic monopoly by the NSCNs and their relatives and allies remains a major obstacle for Nagaland youth in achieving their true potential.
• The most sincere and eligible individuals should assume leadership roles in the social, economic, and political fields. However, it is important not to cross boundaries, regardless of whether they are young men or women. Leaders should avoid spreading Western ideology and propaganda. Several months ago, an LGBTQI+ event was organized in Dimapur, which was influenced by Western ideas. Modern individuals, whether male or female, should not encourage Western ideology and propaganda.
• Yes and No. They are ready for sure but they lack patience & hard work
• Today's Naga youth are ready to assume leadership in all spheres. The problem is entrenched system full of vested interests such as the politicians and the UGs which prevents honest visionary people from assuming leadership roles.
• Let's say the question focuses on gender, specifically male and female. both genders can play a great role, however, one should not go 'WOKE'. Say, the recent Donald Trump Assassination nearly took place because they put women in dominant positions. Secret service of USA recruited women of nearly 30 percent, to be exactly 24 percent. if the Secret Service recruited 95 percent of males, the news about the assassination would not be there. for males choose competent person.