ATMA-Dimapur distributes free fish fingerlings

Dimapur, July 16 (MExN): Agricultural Technology Management Agency (ATMA) Dimapur distributed free fish fingerlings to 25 beneficiaries of Xelhozhe village on July 15.
Dimapur, DAO & PD (ATMA) Ahovi Sema informed in a press release stated that with about 80% of the village families having fisheries and involved in fishery activities, ATMA-Dimapur is considering to adopt the village as a model fish village by imparting scientific methods of fish farming for higher productivity and as a model for other villages in the district. In 2010, a fishery farm school had also been set up in the village with an objective to impart scientific techniques from Lab to farm and since its inception regular trainings and demonstrations have been conducted at the farm school.
At the programme, Sunep (Fishery Inspector) from the department of Fisheries deliberated on fishery pond management, stock density and the different fishes to be reared. He also explained to the beneficiaries that the fingerlings being distributed composed of six species which were compatible with each other for composite fish farming.
The fingerlings were distributed and released into the fisheries of beneficiaries by Deputy Project Directors, Janet Chishi and J. Akato Chishi.

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