• Reservation should not be seen as a poverty alleviation program. Pocket wise reservations should be introduced for all the tribes. The benefits of the reservation are not percolated to the truly deserving ones. A candidate should be given a choice to compete either in the general category or reserved category. If the candidate chooses the reserved category, then he will be competing only in the reserved posts and will not consume the general posts even if their marks are more than the general candidates. And if a candidate chooses to compete in general category, he/she should be allowed to compete only in the general category and not the reserved quota.
• Jobs should be given to those who have the capability and the ability to do the job.
• It encourages neo colonialism by so called advanced tribes who have systematically plundered all development and relief to eastern Nagas. Time to readjust and say sorry or they will rejoin their eastern brethren once Myanmar is liberated? David Ward
• Undeserving advance tribe is availing backward quota. Some backward tribe has been empowered from reservation policy. They have more bureaucrats than advance tribe. High time to review reservation policy. Based on Population proportion backward tribe have to reviewed. Some less population tribes who have Easy access to better education and better livelihood have occupied more seats in Bureaucracy than the larger population tribes. Meanwhile, real-time backward tribes remain extremely backward in education, development, livelihood, communication and connectivity. Reservation Policy review is now or else injustice is delayed.
• It is high time
• Reservation should be there as it prevails all over the country but yes the creamy layers as announced by the Supreme Court should be examined. Likewise, "Yes" the reservation policy should undergo a review, it should stop at some certain point among the BTs. After they achieve the job of grade 1 or 2, reservation should be revoked for their sons and daughters.
• Now almost everyone has equal access to education and other opportunities therefore, reservation policy should undergo a review.
• Definitely, but will it be successful?
• In fact, reservation should be totally struck down. All Nagas are equal. In many colleges and schools, students from eastern Nagaland and so called backward tribes are toppers. See HSLC, HSSLC and UGT exam results every year.
• Reservation should be awarded on genuine grounds of socio-economic backwardness. A clear distinction should be made between creamy layer and reservation needy groups among both forward & backward tribes. We can't deny that even among the forward tribes there are families/individuals deserving of backward quota. Also in my opinion, an individual should be allowed to access a reservation quota only once in matters of government employment. Once a candidate is selected via a backward quota, they should not be allowed to compete in the backward quota in subsequent competitive (state) examinations.
• Reservation should be totally scrapped.