Draft electoral roll for KMC published

Kohima, November 1 (DIPR): In view of the special summary revision of electoral roll for municipal/town councils, a meeting with all the ward/colony chairmen and political parties was held at DC’s conference hall here on October 31, where the draft publication of electoral roll (e-roll) was distributed to all the polling stations for 19 wards under Kohima Municipal Council (KMC).  

Deputy Commissioner of Kohima, Rovilatuo Mor (IAS) requested the wards chairmen and representatives to take up the e-roll revision seriously in their respective areas and make necessary corrections within the stipulated time. He also sought cooperation from all the wards and political parties to maintain peace and tranquillity for the peaceful conduct of the forthcoming municipal election. The DC also reminded the wards and colonies to submit sketch map on house numbering pattern to streamline the address and locations in order to identify the house number in a systematic pattern for permanent record. Rovilatuo further requested the wards and colonies to initiate cleanliness measures in their respective areas in view of the forthcoming Hornbill Festival.  

With regard to the LED lightings, the DC requested all the ward/colony representatives to sensitize the citizens in their respective areas for maximum use of LED bulb, particularly for the lights which are left on overnight. He further sought concerted efforts from all the ward leaders to save energy and also to have more comfortable power supply especially during this festive season.  

Additional Deputy Commissioner, Kohima, Lithrongla Tongpi also sought cooperation from all the ward/colony chairmen and political parties for the successful implementation of the exercise to reduce energy consumption. She also stressed on the usage of LED lightings and requested every household to install LED bulbs as the festive season is approaching.  

SDO (C) Sardar & Electoral Registration Officer, KMC, Kethosituo Sekhose informed on the schedule of special summary revision of e-roll for municipal/town councils. He also explained about the exercise of the draft publication of e-roll to be carried out by all the respective wards.   With regard to installation of solar street lights in the wards, KMC Administrator Kovi Meyase requested the wards to submit a fresh list on or before November 15, 2016.  

During the meeting, National Re-dedication Day or Rashtriya Sankalp Diwas and Rashtriya Ekta Diwas (National Unity Day) were also observed. National Re-dedication Day is observed every year to pay homage to the first woman Prime Minister of India, Indira Gandhi, while National Unity Day is celebrated to pay tribute to Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel.

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