EUUN wants bribery evidence out in open

Dimapur, November 18 (MExN): Noting reports that some office bearers of the Educated Unemployed Union of Nagaland have fallen to bribery, the union today appealed to the government employees or departments in concern to publicize the matter and “do justice”. In a press note today, the EUUN quoted reports that some of its office bearers had taken bribery of Rs. 50, 000 from “state government servants” and each department “in connection with enhancement of retirement age”. 

“If it is true, the EUUN appeals to government servants/employees for which whose promotion has been prevented to come out openly and publicize in the press media and do justice instead of spreading propaganda and tarnishing the good image of union office bearers” stated the note from EUUN president Achilo Thong and press secretary Ezambemo Erui.

The EUUN said it has nothing to do with state government servants ‘to gain political mileage as alleged by some students leaders’. The fact is, the union said, “they are fighting their own battle to continue occupying the chairs and we are fighting our own battle to create resultant vacancies of the chairs for which we are losing sympathy of senior state government servants”.

The EUUN said it is primarily concerned with the upper-age limit entry into government service considering the increase in the number of over-aged educated unemployed and has been fighting for a length of service for 35 years. “If it is implemented, lakhs of government servants ranging from 54 (uniformed service) to 60 years of age will successively retire in two to three years time. Hence, there will be variation and no uniformity in the retirement age” the union said.

The office bearers of the EUUN are “leading simple and humble life style” but shall continue to fight in the interest of the Naga people and “not make few bucks at their expense”, it added.

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