NCC cadet from Nagaland visits Sri Lanka

Dimapur, November 1 (MExN): On the invitation of the Sri Lanka Government, a 12-member delegation of National Cadet Corps (NCC) from all over India led by the delegation head Colonel Chetan Gurbax, delegation leader Colonel Renukanath Rao and Assistant delegation leader Captain Chavi Sood attended the Youth Exchange Programme (YEP) in Sri Lanka from October 12 to 26.  

Among the delegates, Senior Under Officer (SUO) Mejungsungkum Longkumer of Kohima Science College, Jotsoma belonging to NCC Unit No 1 Nagaland Air Squadron was the only cadet to represent the North East Region.  

During the stay, the delegation interacted with VVIPs and VIPs of the Sri Lankan Government as well as the Chief of Defence Staff and Commanders of Army, Navy and Air Force in their respective Headquarters. The delegates also visited myriad places of tourist attraction, religion as well as historical importance of the country.  

The cadets also attended the annual passing out parade and highest camp of national Cadets Corps of Sri Lanka, “The Herman Loos and De Soysa Championship Trophy”. The Secretary of Defence of Sri Lanka awarded medal of honors to the Cadets.  

A press release informed that YEP is a program which is a country to country exchange of cadets belonging to NCC/equivalent, Government/Youth Organizations of friendly countries. YEP is basically being an Indian goodwill ambassador during the visit to host country where the cadets interact and participate in various NCC activities and create among participants awareness, understanding and appreciation of each other’s socio-economic and cultural realities. This year approximately hundred delegates from SAARC countries attended YEP in Sri Lanka.

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