Just when the dust appeared to have settled over last years bribery scandal in the Nagaland Public Service Commission (NPSC) the premiere recruiting agency of the State has now admitted to ‘errors’ it had made in selection to an EAC post. That the NPSC Secretary himself has admitted to ‘mistakes’ only validates the point that something is amiss in the overall functioning of the NPSC office which is all the more unfortunate more so because of the important role that this institution is expected to play, that is based on fair play, objectivity and ensuring unbiased recruitment. The latest slipshod has once again made a mockery of the institution. The State government should not merely sit and watch the unfolding event but immediately take necessary action against those officials involved in the blunder. By doing so it will send out the clear message that dereliction of duty will not be accepted. Likewise, the NPSC Chairman has no moral right to continue in office and the Governor should recall the former for failing to uphold his office. The Chief Minister should also ask for a detailed report of the particular case and take necessary action as deemed fit so that such gross blunder does not occur in future.
While for the sake of argument even if a small margin of error is there it is quite understandable. But as per information in this case, it has been revealed that the difference in marks was almost 100. One is simply amazed at how the NPSC could turn a blind eye to this aspect. The amazement does not simply end here. The candidate who finally got the EAC post (following the cancellation of the appointment given to one Velule Tureng) did not even figure in the final selection for the various categories of post held under the NCS examination. Only after coming to detect this error did the NPSC approach the person by informing of his selection. As for the lady in question Miss Velule Tureng, it must indeed be a humiliation. The NPSC without wasting anymore time should issue a public clarification on the entire saga and more importantly issue a public apology to Miss Tureng. This is the least the NPSC can do for misleading the individual, her family and even the State Government.
Such unfortunate incidents involving the NPSC are not the first of its kind and there have been several slip-ups earlier which have completely dented the image of the NPSC almost beyond repair. Following this latest slip shod the Government should consider an Expert Committee to undertake a fundamental review of the functioning of the recruiting agency. The review should look into the need for restructuring and reforming the agency and should also cover other aspects such as recruitment and evaluation methods. It should be a fundamental review of the functioning of the organization. In essence before putting candidates to the test, the NPSC should likewise under go an assessment of sorts before it is fully declared fit to conduct examinations themselves.