Dimapur, November 21 (MExN): The NSCN (IM) has rebutted claims made by the “GPRN/NSCN” on an incident reported to have taken place on November 19 wherein one “GPRN/NSCN” cadre, identified as one Vekhoto of Yoruba village, was shot dead by NSCN (IM), about 2 km from Chizami town in Phek district. The MIP stated that the “treacherous game plan under the shadow of reconciliation and unity process can never be condoned with” and that the “NSCN never fail to react when placed under such situation”.
“Distorting the head and the tail of the incident, the so-call publicity cell of K-group (with confusion identity) is desperately trying to mislead the public by its habitual indulgence in false propaganda just for the pleasure of scoring a point over NSCN in the eye of the people. But the Naga people should know the substance of the story in order to pass correction assessment without prejudice”, stated a press note issued by the outfit’s ‘MIP’.
Pointing out that the Naga people cannot be misled, the MIP note clarified that on November 19 “self style capt. Vekheto of K-group made a telephone contact with Ihoshe battalion commanding officer about his desire to come over to NSCN mainstream along with one NNC member with three arms and ammunition”. Accordingly, one “maj” Thswetso was dispatched by one “lt. col” David, “CO” Ihoshe battalion, on November 19 to welcome the ‘home comers’ in the presence of the village council of Chizami, after the formality was done, the MIP stated.
“But no sooner had they started the drive towards Ihoshe battalion along with the home comers Capt. Vekhoto took out his 9mm, pointing towards Maj. Thswetso and forced the driver to take the vehicle back to Phek town. But in the quick turn of event, Maj. Thswetso outsmarted him when he took out his own pistol kept in readiness to face any act of treachery, and shot dead Capt. Vekhoto on the spot at Ehlumi Village at 5:30 pm”, the MIP note narrated. The other NNC member was also overpowered but made good his escape in the confusion that followed. Three arms, SLR A/No. 16258765 with one magazine and 97 bullets, one M21 A/008840 and one 9mm handmade with 4 bullets were capture from the deceased, the MIP note informed.
The whole incident was witnessed and testified by the villagers and village council of Chizami and the car driver hired by Vekhoto, it further stated pointing out that “there is no doubt of the game plan to enact ‘home coming drama’ to NSCN and kidnap Maj. Thswetso”. The plan however, went awry as everything boomeranged into a bloody ending, the MIP stated.
The MIP statement remarked that “resorting to treacherous game plan does not fit into the Reconciliation process, and the option for the NSCN in the face of such foolhardiness is to exercise quick presence of mind”. “What is the meaning of K-group offering its best possible co-operation in the interest of the Naga people and for the coming generation? Deceitfulness is now seen to be the only political philosophy of K-group and they love to dance with words they know no meaning when measured in the practical sense of its application. It is better not to make an issue out of nothing just to make cheap propaganda campaign against NSCN”, the MIP note stated.