Dimapur, November 15 (MExN): With a clear warning to the state government to back off over the testy superannuation issue, the Naga Students’ Federation has decided to resume its agitation which was suspended in the month of January this year. The NSF will commence agitation by staging a protest rally and demonstration march from the NSF office to the New Secretariat on November 19 from 10:00AM.
After serious consideration on the issue, the NSF said, it was unanimously decided to maintain the ‘original stance’ to strive for inclusion of length of service in the criteria to determine retirement from government services. The NSF has demanded that the state government do away with “all kind of manipulation and malpractices”. “Any action of the state government or group contrary to the demand of NSF shall be treated as anti-youth and anti-people” the NSF said today in a communiqué from its chief executives.
In a very strong statement NSF minced no word as they attacked the “unscrupulous bunches of retarded elements” who are “still sticking to their old chairs as though they have inherited it from their forefathers”.
The NSF had this to say to the government and its mechanisms: “With due apology to dedicated and committed government employees, today we have a large number of outdated and debilitated government employees in various departments fit tightly to their respective position making all efforts to manipulate at any given opportunities to retain their post shamelessly without any sense of accountability and morale conscience. Many of them have manipulated or tampered their birth certificate several times taking advantage of the most vulnerable statistical functionaries in the government. Many older brother and sisters of the retired government servant are still sticking to their old chairs as though they have inherited it from their forefathers. This unscrupulous bunches of retarded elements in the state have blocked the promises of progress and development in the state”.
The NSF decried the ‘infamous decision’ of the state government to enhance the age of superannuation from 57 to 60 years of age without taking the organization into confidence. Mention may be made here that the government entered into an “agreement” (MoU) with the NSF to maintain the age of superannuation of government employees to 57 of age or 33 years length of service whichever is earlier. “The action has deprived the educated and most talented youth who could usher dynamisms and dedication to drive the state to compete with others. Every sensible person is aware that the employment scenario in the present state has reached the saturated point” the NSF said.
The NSF quoted a report that in 2007, that Nagaland registered educated unemployed youths as high as 55,000. “Unlike other states, Nagaland has very few alternatives job opportunities. We hardly have industries and commerce or private undertakings that can resourcefully engage for employment. The sorriest state of our state today is that government job is the only one avenue that can give job security. All the educated youth queue-up for government jobs” the NSF said reminding that any sensible government would have cared to look this vital component for growth and progress for the fragile society.
The NSF has appealed to ‘all conscious citizens of Nagaland to extend full co-operation to salvage the future of younger generation.