Kohima | January 14 : The state’s department of economics & statistics has been bringing out a yearly publication on Estimation of State Domestic Product with the purpose to measure the condition and position of the state economy. “This is one of the best statistical methods to depict the economic health of the state and the living condition of the people,” the department said in its annual administrative report adding that such measure enables to know the per capita income of the state.
During 2009, the estimation of SDP for the year 2006-07 has been published which is the latest report. As per the 2006-07 the GSDP, NSDP and per capita income at current prices are ` 597811, ` 548001 lakhs and ` 20892 respectively. The annual growth rate from 2005-06, 2006-07 at the current prices of GSDP, NSDP and Per Capita Income are 8.88 %, 8.43 % and 3.14% respectively, the report added.
During 2009, the estimation of SDP for the year 2006-07 has been published which is the latest report. As per the 2006-07 the GSDP, NSDP and per capita income at current prices are ` 597811, ` 548001 lakhs and ` 20892 respectively. The annual growth rate from 2005-06, 2006-07 at the current prices of GSDP, NSDP and Per Capita Income are 8.88 %, 8.43 % and 3.14% respectively, the report added.