Their Response to Community Policing

Thotchanmung Jamang
Wungram Colony

I was having a conversation with a friend of mine on the phone the other day and that was when it struck my conscience. We were discussing about our works when I asked him if the youths were enforcing “community policing” in their vicinity. His reply was, “Why would we want to waste our time doing that? Most of them are busy selling meat and vegetables”. In my mind, that was uncalled for and it left me motivated. Tremendous! Of the entire narrow minded crowd, at least there are some ingenious minds was what I thought. This can also be the solution to a percentile of unemployment rate in our state. I have no issue with the decision of enforcing such acts by any colony or organizations. However, from my personal experiences, some of them require “ethics and mannerism” classes. Their way of approaching people alone will make anyone infuriated because respect is of essence in our society. If you respect a person regardless of the age, they will also respect and honor the service you do. Also, the problem with community policing is that, the volunteers are poorly equipped. The only thing they have is a mask (while some don’t even wear one), a long bamboo or a cane stick and that is it. No hand sanitizers, no gloves, no thermal scanners and above all no social distancing. Whom do you think will be infected? And the naïve part is that, a handful of them are there for their own benefits. They are there to frisk those that are smuggling illegal contraband like drugs and alcohol. If they are lucky, it is yet another treat! 

Again, these are some instances of incidents happening in some parts of our state and it is not intended to accuse or hurt the very sentiments of anyone. Kudos! To those that are maintaining proper precautionary and preventive measures while keeping a check on both the exits and entries of their vicinities. As mentioned in the aforementioned lines, employing oneself and earning rather than whining about unemployment must be regarded and supported by all. We must realize that because of the Pandemic millions of people are being scrapped out from their own companies and organizations. The whole world is suffering and we must realize that we constitute a part of the sufferings. Therefore, make use of the ideas and creativity that you have. Now is the right time to do the necessary because we are of no essence to time. If we are shy of doing the menial tasks, there is no success awaiting our arrival on the other end. Away with your social and family status, regardless of the size of your house or vehicle, pick the shovel and start shoveling if success begins with it. Help yourself and try to build an empire off of your own blood, sweat and tears because when time overruns us, there is nothing but an eternity of doom, and regrets and remorse would just be, but words after all.