Transformative Mechanisms Against Racial Attacks On The North East People

Dr. Yaronsho Ngalung,
The Hao Research Initiative

While paying my deep condolence and condemning on the unnatural demise of our beloved brother and friend, Nido Tania, a son from Arunachal Pradesh, and the subsequent molestation and physical assault on two women from Manipur, and the latest case of rape of a minor girl from Manipur in Munirka in Delhi, it is important to mention here that it is States’ principal responsibility for finding certain transformative mechanisms to prevent such occurrences in the future.  This article focuses on the strategies and mechanisms of transformation against racial attacks, hatred and discrimination on the North East people across India at various levels that have to be worked out or adopted by the States, Civil Societies and the people. In order to do so, we need to first of all know the root causes of the problem itself. In fact, the problems of rapes, murders, molestations, sexual harassment, racial discrimination etc. are created by the Indian State in general and the differences of socio-culture, customs,  habits and historical backgrounds of the people in India.

Delhi is not only the capital of India but has also been clubbed as a “Rape Capital” of India. Such incidents of rapes and other problems have not only happened with the North East people but the serious problem is the manner and attitudes in which such acts were and are committed and meted out are quite unimaginable and satanic to the core simply because North East people are racially and culturally different from the mainland India. And the Courts have been quite lackadaisical and snail-paced in delivering justice when it comes to the various cases related with the North East people.

The speed in which the State responded with regards to Nirbhaya’s gang-raped case of December 12, 2012 was appreciable where those accused were already convicted. However, the same speed or justice has so far not been delivered in cases vis-a-vis North East people. Several cases are still pending in Delhi Court. It took several years to have convicted the 2005 Dhaula Kuan gang-raped of a Mizo girl. On 24 October, 2009, Ramchanphy Hongray, a young Naga girl of 19 years of age from Manipur was murdered in Munirka by one IIT-Delhi Ph. D scholar. However, the accused has not been convicted so far. The question, therefore is, why it has taken such a long years in convicting the accused person where there is prima facie evidence that he has deliberately and devilishly strangulated her without any reason? Another example of undelivered justice is the attempted rape and subsequent murder of Reingamphy Awungshi on May 28-29 of 2013 at Chirag Delhi. Brutal murder of Richard Loitam, a second-semester student of Acharya NRV School of Architecture in Bangalore on April 18, 2012 and the mass exodus of North East in 2012 from Banaglore were some of the examples of racial attacks and problems of India. Another example of discrimination was the suicide of Dana Sangma, a niece of Meghalaya Chief Minister, Mukul Sangma after being caught over alleged cheating in Amity University exam in Haryana on 24 April, 2012.

All the above cited incidents at various Indian cities have something in common. That is, victims are all from the North East and the culprits are all non-North Easterners. All these murders, rapes, physical assaults and discriminations have been repeatedly and continuously committed against the North East people across Indian cities. In the opinions of many observers, commentators and the public Government of India should have done its part in preventing the recurrences of these incidents. However, it is observed that Government of India and the constituent States have failed to enact and legislates concrete policy mechanisms to transform all these problems until today. It is in this context that some transformative mechanisms are suggested here in this article for public interest and people’s security especially migrants from North East in all Indian cities.

The first and foremost root cause of the problem is the failure of the respective State Governments in providing economic stability and employment to the growing number of youths in North East States. It is not a denying fact that due to poor economic conditions and lack of avenues to these growing numbers of youths in their respective home states that has pushed all these youths to mainland India for different types of jobs and employments for their survivals. And most of these poor citizens belong to various tribal communities who have become restless and jobless in their homes due to lack of job avenues, corruption, poor educational infrastructures, discriminations and the unresolved political conflicts in almost all the North East States. In most of the Indian cities the populations of the North Easterners comprised of students, workers (Skilled and unskilled) and drop outs school students who can be clubbed as migrants populations. The relevant question is, why so many people have fled their villages and towns and come to live in the mainland Indian cities? The only reason as to why these migrants have fled to these cities is nothing but searching for their survivals as they do not see any hope in their home states for their want. In the process, they are faced with additional hardship of not being readily accepted by their mainland people due to cultural gap, ways of life, behaviours, attitude, different in food habits, ways of dresses, beliefs, faith and socialisation. This contradiction, thus, resulted into racial discrimination and hatred leading to murder, rape, molestation, physical atrocities, and sexual harassment and so on and so forth.

In order to transform the prevailing scenario it is but quintessential that respective State Governments in the North East must seriously ponder and act on generating employment and avenues so as to prevent people from fleeing to other Indian cities for their livelihood. In addition to scarce employment opportunities corruption has aggravated the people’s grievances and sufferings. It may not be wrong to say, corruption in all Government departments has become a normal practice or culture in Manipur. Manipur can best be described as a “Failed State” or “disordered State” or “corruption-infested State”. What Karl Marx has said, “Richer become richer and richer while poorer become poorer and poorer day after day” can be rightly applied in such state of affairs. Due to venomous corruption, which is eating into the vitals of Manipur State, talks by the Government for peace, development and progress is nothing but hoodwinking the people. The continued practice of corruption has made the Ministers and officials immune from the critics and the people. They have forgotten the rule of law and principles of administration. Their only big concern is to make money and fatten their pockets without listening to the cries of the common men. It is because of this stinking and condemnable corruption, lack of jobs and worsening law and order problem due to human rights violations by the security forces and other actors that have forced/pushed out many people from their homes to search out for their livelihood. In order to prevent such happenings from continuing, it is but suggested that avenues for all should be generated where corruption-free, good governance, security of the people, good law and order, principled administration, transparency and accountability are assured and institutionalised. People should not remain silent spectators to prevailing corrupted system which has brought misery lives for many. Instead, people should teach a lesion to such corruption-infested Government during elections for failure to fulfil election manifestoes and promises.

 And when such system is in placed there will be development, educational institutions can be qualitatively improved, uninterrupted power and water can be supplied, hospitals are equipped with all requirements, and infrastructures in all respects can be developed. And once the State becomes clean and people-oriented can only dissuade people from migrating and fleeing from their homes in search of a cleaner pasture at various inhospitable destinations. If such a system could be working and functioning in various North East States, it is but natural that migrant workers in other Indian cities could be attracted to come home for secured and safe independent lives. As such, if the States think transformative mechanisms are needed to prevent racial attacks, hatred and discrimination it is utmost duties of the States to first transform it in addressing all the above mentioned problems and difficulties. Only then can we start reposing our trust on the Government and the system.

Likewise, the Government of India should enact and implement a stringent Anti-Racial Discrimination Act to prevent further polarization and alienation of the North East people due to racial attacks, discrimination, feudal attitudes and manners, rape, physical atrocities, molestation and sexual harassment. More North Eastern people should be recruited to Delhi Police in all ranks and files. Police officers on dereliction of their duties should be punished according to law. More security apparatuses should provided in all the private companies and firms to prevent any untoward incidents such as the above. A regular Vigilant Committee is appointed comprising of all communities of the North East who are given Government appointed status with normal salaries and all benefits. All the pending cases relating to North East people are fast-tracked and justice delivered to the victims. MPs and officials in various Bhavans should do their jobs for the welfare of the students and workers. Media houses should spearhead in disseminating awareness among the people about various identities peopling India. Constant people-to-people dialogue should be encouraged. Last but not the least, amicable and honourable political solutions should be brought about for all the conflicts in the region. Let’s see if India can be more democratic and if rule of law can be seen to be working for all inhabitants.

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