Will the Real Daddy please stand up, Please stand up!!

Robert Kikon

One of the most wonderful revelations of the bible is that God is our father. God reveals Himself in the bible as a gentle, forgiving Father, intimately involved with each and every detail of our lives. He is consistently loving us. His one motive remains the same through time and eternity. He never changes. He only desires to show love and forgiveness. You are Gods child and even now He calls your name, but maybe deep in your heart you doubt His faithfulness. As a child you may have experienced the complete absence of a father because of death or divorce. Maybe you were orphaned by the demands of your parents’ career or is it just the childhood memory of broken promises or neglect that haunts you? Some of you screamed for hours as babies but nobody came to relieve you of your discomfort and hunger.

Do you distrust God? Our distrust hurts him deeply. Do you have an inability to sense His presence with you? Look unto His eyes and see His love for you. “I will never desert you, nor will I ever forsake you……. I am with you always even until the end of the age.” Heb 13:5, Matt 28:20 NASB) Our heavenly Father is being slandered and misrepresented all over the world including our very own Nagaland by man’s cruelty and selfishness. Children are constantly reminded of the importance of things—their value, and how to care for them. Very few times do they hear the simple words, “I love you”. Parents in Nagaland just expect way too much from their Children. Academics, social positioning and appearance has sadly become more important than cherishing  our children  and listening to their dreams.  Your Children,  they  just need your time and attention. No man would be unwilling to die for his children. How much more important it is to live for them. A repetitious chant is working its way into the subconscious minds of our children, “Things are more important than me. Things are more important than me”. No wonder we have a wounded generation that stumbles through their youthful years, only to visit the same hurts on their own children. Generation after generation it goes on. Is there no one to comfort us? Who will father the children of men? Who weeps over our pains? Who will comfort us in our loneliness? Only God. Winston Churchill said “Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen”. Rightly so.

Infact forget about homes, churches have left them too. Most of our young teens and youths are nomads, or have become a prodigal (while we sing to glory land) and many have become Exiles. And we have no shortage of False prophets in our land--- Many prayer homes instead of giving care and love and courage have become institutions of performance- a way of Indulgence to gain favor from God. Are you aware that you can exercise powerful spiritual gifts and make tremendous personal sacrifices but still not impress God? That’s right. If you don’t have the proper motive, it doesn’t matter what you do. We live in a performance- oriented society. Acceptance is always conditional—If you bring home a good report card, if you look pretty, if you have money, if you win a football match, you win. The kingdom of this world is a kingdom of rejection. Gods love is unconditional. Many of us are trapped in a slave-like relationship with the harsh god of our  imagination. What is our response to God when He simply says He loves you? Can we “Be still and know that He is God” without rushing into frantic activity to earn His approval (Psalm46:10 KJV). Our Father God already loves us. All through our life we have had to perform and compete. Even as a tiny baby some of us were compared with other babies. People said you were “too fat”, or “too thin” or had “his legs” or “her nose”. but God delighted in your uniqueness and still does. He was there when you first walked as a child. He was there through hurts and disappointments. You are briefly loaned to human parents who, for a few years, were supposed to have showered you with love like His love. But you are and always will be a child of God, made in His image. There has never been another child like you, and there never will be.

If you see that you have been hindered in your relationship with God due to some kind of failure or parental love, then take these things to the Lord.  “He will save, He will rejoice over thee with joy, He will rest in His love, He will joy over thee with singing”. Zeph 3:17 KJV).  Don’t wrestle with God…..nestle!


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