Are the Municipal Councils in Nagaland doing enough to tackle waste management in your town?

Some of those who voted  YES had this to say:
•    Yes,,,, and my Mokokchung council are the best among all the district in Nagaland
•    In places like Mokokchung the council with the support of the public have done a lot of positive things. Mokokchung has become much neater, though there is room for much improvement. If it is really serious about becoming a viable tourist destination, Mokokchung needs better basic amenities and its hygiene must be tip top. So far, it is taking all the right steps. Local entrepreneurs are slowly picking up more responsibility and overall, lots of positive things are happening in Mokokchung. I hope the municipal council in Mokokchung will not allow party politics to destroy it, but rather stay above party politics so that the peoples support may increase.
•    Yes, except Dimapur
•    Yes for DMC, they are doing enough regarding hygiene and sanitation. They organize mass social work for hygiene and clean environment. But I think KMC is not doing upto expectations because as seen in public places, there are huge piles of garbage lying around and moreover, the rules and regulations are not enforced sternly. As being the apex body, stern laws should be made to tackle all the unhygienic, unsafe and unclean habits of dumping wastes.
•    It has done wonders in Mokokchung. As a citizen of Mokokchung I can confidently say that at least they are in the right direction. Of course there are still problems regarding implementation, proper management of human resources and maximizing financial resources, but on the whole in just a short time they have introduced some positive aspects. If they continue in the same direction, they can be a role model for other municipal councils.      

Some of those who voted NO  had this to say:

•    Lets be honest. They have failed to a large extent. In Kohima and Dimapur they are non-existent. In Dimapur, the municipal council charges so much tax on public transport. They are earning by the crores and still they cant give back anything to the people. This is a shame. The municipal council has become a money making machine. The amount of tax they levy is so much. The Naga public keeps blaming the underground, but in actuality its the municipal councils which are extorting money from the public every day.
•    C'mon are you kidding me. Waste management in Nagaland is non-existent. Do you think picking up garbage once a week or once a month entails that to be called Waste management. I guess not. So many times this Municipals has visited cities in India and foreign countries to study the systems, but where is the result? There is nothing to show. Unless the government puts its act together, many neighborhood and localities will be inundated with waste and waste materials.
•    They don’t care
•    No, it would be good if they increase their staff and equipments because their present number is not enough to keep the town clean. Though they try to do their best the waste just keeps increasing.
•    No, they have to give more effort as Kohima is the capital of our state Nagaland
•    They can not do anything all of them trying to become popularity so that they can go for election in future
•    Our municipal councils need to deliver much more. I think they are plagued with lethargy. I also think they are not equipped with enough professionals and experts. Our towns are pretty small compared to those in other states and our municipal councils have no excuse for not being able to properly run our towns. If there is a WILL, keeping our towns spotlessly clean is not difficult at all.
•    The municipal councils have missed a great opportunity to prove that it can really work and deliver for the welfare of the people. But instead they have shown that Naga leaders cannot get out of petty politics and selfish interest. The tamasha in the Dimapur municipal council with the chairman post being repeatedly replaced one after the other has shown that the municipal councils have become the playground for political parties and politicians to show their power. The public are utterly disappointed particularly with the DMC. Even the Kohima Municipal Council could have done much better. But the random work and inconsistency has been its downfall. The Naga public are the greatest losers because the councils have not lived up to what it can actually do. Also councilors could have risen up as budding politicians through their hard work and sincerity.
•    Effectiveness.1 out of 100....our towns look like municipal council is non-existent.
•    Absolutely no. Clearing the waste should be daily affairs, as population in Kohima is on the rise so is the waste. I don’t understand what those idle green buses are for? Should have invested in more dumper trucks. Dumb heads.
•    The councilors have failed to understand the purpose and rationale behind what the responsibility and duty of a Municipal body. If the councilors really understand the rationale for such a body, they could have done so much. In fact such bodies are capable of doing much more than what the government can do. Just look at Delhi for example, the Municipal Corporation of Delhi is responsible for the basic amenities in Delhi. But alas, our poor Naga idiots are busy fighting each other and trying to unseat each other. The Municipal bodies came too early in Nagaland. It was better to have just town committees because at least everyone knew what their duty was. As for the municipal council, even today people dont know what this is for because they have become too big for their own boots.
•    They should know how to make our towns more beautiful.
•    They have no concern about making the towns better. They only care about collecting illegal tax from the people and from giving contracts to businessmen after taking a huge cut. The government has already declared that collection of tax by municipal councils is illegal and is categorized as extortion, but the municipal councils continue to levy illegal tax. If the police is not willing to take any action that the Naga public must rise up and shut down these municipal bodies once and for all. Enough is enough, the only language they can understand is when the Naga public protests and shows their anger.
•    The neighbourhood dogs seems 2 be doing a better job ....dragging the waste around n cleaning it up....before MC"S dumping truck arrives...late as usual
Some of those who voted OTHERS had this to say:
•  To be honest, the Municipal Councils in Nagaland have been a huge disappointment. Rather than uplifting the welfare and basic facilities of the town, they have been busy politicking and even making the extra buck by levying very high taxes, particularly in Dimapur. Many of you will agree with me that the towns are filthy dirty and there is no proper garbage system. The towns are sewn with garbage and waste. I wish the councilors rather than politicking in party politics, they should focus in the welfare of the town.
•    There is lack of visionary leaders and there is why the concept of development in Nagaland unfortunately does not include a comprehensive plan on waste management. People coming to Nagaland for the first time are appalled by the lack of hygiene; and the dirt and garbage lying around in the roads and residential areas of Dimapur and Kohima are a big turn off for tourism.
•    With the right kind of attitude, humility and intention, the Municipal Co uncils in Nagaland can do so much for their towns. If dynamic leaders were given the responsibility of the councils, I bet you that they would be much more efficient than the local MLAs. I hope the council members would really introspect and think of all the good things that they can actually do, if only they apply their mind.
•    I don’t think the DMC is even aware of what sanitation means. They only know how to collect gate tax and taxes from helpless drivers. What a shame.
•    Sanitation requires a well planned, well executed and most of all dedicated people to get the job done. It also needs manpower, financial resources no doubt. But most of all it needs dedicated people who will consistently work day in and day out to keep our towns clean. It is a tedious work that needs 110% commitment. Unfortunately our councilors are not committed or dedicated to keeping our towns clean. Moreover they lack the skills for proper planning and also their work implementation is far from satisfactory. So in short, we need a different body that should be given the job to keep our towns clean. They must have sufficient funds, man power and most of all dedicated and qualified people.
•    At the crack of dawn when my morning walk begins, as I walk across the long stretch of main street of Dimapur city, I used to get greeted by DMC sanitary staff while busily engaged in their daily early activities of sweeping pavements, footpaths, street floors, garbage collecting and dumping etc, but several garbage sites on some street corners are seen left unattended for many a day pose quite hazardous to public health. The same may be the case somewhere in neighboring localities and colonies in good company. This business as usual for DMC goes on till they wake up to harsh reality on the onset of monsoon when it begins taking its toll. What irritates the environment-conscious people most is the primitive practice of burning all wastes and garbage by dumping them on the bank of rivers. All the recyclable wastes must be recycled instead of the other way round. But where is the recycling plant here in Dimapur to take care of this messy state of affairs.

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