Some of those who voted YES had this to say:
• Yes, they are trying their best as to my knowledge. But the problem is they themselves are not in the mood to change their present ways of living, governing, churching,,,etc. They are leaving behind a corrupted n a chaos society. So how can their children benefit from it. Parents have to think it hard.
• Its good to see in most of our Naga family parents learned how to care 4 their children. Most of ta Parents are spending or sacrificing their life 4 children.
• Every parents is concern of their child education, to make them more civilized and responsible child
• what a stupid question
• Cos they are aware of their children and their future
• I am positive that the intention of every parent is good and it is with their best of ability that they strive to be good parents. But in this modern world they are not equipped and are not well versed with the changing times. Today, the children of the 21st century is much more developed from a young age and is exposed to technology and all forms of modernization from a very tender stage of their growth. While most parents are ignorant about all these developments. This widening gap is a worry and good intention of parents is not enough to raise children.
• This days all the naga parents are striving towards to give their best to their children ...they keep on preparing for their children's future
Some of those who voted NO had this to say:
• Come on lets be serious and honest here. I dont think parents are actively involved in guiding and encouraging their children to be better people in this modern world. Naga parents in the past prepared their children to be ready to face their world. But the world has undergone many changes and I dont think the parents are aware or willing to admit the changes the world has gone through. The parents continue to follow the same old method and this is not working anymore. It time that parents took a more positive role in the development of their children.
• They try hard but they forget that their own infrastructure is weak. The children's foundation is the parents. If foundation is weak, how can one expect a palace from the mud?
• No. many parents are too busy in their own self created 'busy world'. though children may have academic achievements, 'responsible people' is all together another issue. education/degree or learning modern technology without being a responsible person may bring more social disasters to society in general. Lets remember 'little knowledge is dangerous'.
• There are very few honest parents. If there is CURSE their children will just have that. Our parents are much into corruptions, bribe, easy money and immorality and this is the gift to their children.
• Because im suffer this days cause of my parent were not preparing for me....so i didn't get well college.
• Most Naga parents are pressurizing their children to sit for UPSC or NPSC or to get a government job even to the extent of bribing and nepotism. One cannot blame the children for it, this is entirely the parents fault because they look at their children for their future security. There is not harm to look at them for security but not to the extent of indulging in corrupt means. Parents should also encourage their children to take up self employment and other forms of jobs. Today you see many MA graduates jobless without any employment because rather than looking for jobs they were sitting for UPSC and NPSC for many years before it became too late for them to get another job. Today the children are frustrated and dependent on their parents. This has happened to many Naga families. Today the world is fast changing. Government jobs are not the only option and the are not the only ones who can provide a secure job. So parents must encourage their children to do what they are gifted in. Its more important to be an honest child with integrity than to be a corrupt child.
• spoiling their kids so that in future nagas children will become servant of muslim and hindu people
• They are indeed taking responsibilities in the right way but not in the way that a 21st child should be molded.
• Because of unawareness, low literacy...
• The children of this generation is spoiled by gadgets and money
• Either they are too busy with their works, or they lack the understanding to be able to help them, this arising mostly from the generational gap.
• Not many parents know what their wards are upto once they r out of their side. The kids of today are too smart to fool their parents into believing they r good, obedient and studious, where as in reality they r the most hopeless people.
• Is providing the latest mobile phones, letting them drive around in imported cars, sending them outside their home to study, giving them unuff pocket money called RESPONSIBLE PARENTING? These days the parents are at fault most of the time. They tend to all their wards needs so that they are not disturb in their works. It keeps them abay from them. We will see a new century where parents will be look down and ill-treated.
• Most of the parents today think that their children are the best of all. Of course one all parents adore their child. They should think twice before they r sent outside to study. Most of the boys come back drug addicts and without completing studies, or the girls coming back getting PLUM-RED PREGNANT. What if they were kept within their sights, atleast the outcome would be less disastrous.
• Instead of sending them far to graduate or for that matter study else where they cannot see. The children do everything but studies. Its a waste of money man.
• Parents thinking of sending their wards to Delhi, READ THIS- You get them a nice bungalow costing 15 plus grand a month. You never see what they are upto. As observed by many, all delhites do is everything but attend colleges. They sleep the whole day(its too hot in daytym na),get up at around 4pm,have lunch then spend them visiting frens at their bungalows, chatting about new girls, new mobile phones, etc. Get home late and sleeps at around 3-4am and the routine goes on and on for 3-4 years in Delhi. Some girls even get their bellies filled to the brim.
• MOST parents don't have time for their children. In the name of Social Services, Politics, Church work/Christian Ministry, Business...children are neglected specially during the formative years. Fathers in particular needs transformation for our society to change positively. Most fathers are leaving parenting to the mothers. Both parents are equally responsible. Blessings to all the full time fathers and mothers. The biggest contribution we can make to the society is raising our God-given children in the fear of God.
Some of those who voted OTHERS had this to say:
• Naga parents in general are very loving, caring and fiercely protective of their children. This is good up to a point. Sometimes because of this parents are not able to see the faults and weaknesses of their own children. They fail to see that the modern pop culture has affected them and that their children like all children are vulnerable to bad habits. Naga parents need to be more educated and better informed not only about their children but the new environment in which they are growing up.
• Maybe the parents wants their children to be responsible but the children of our Nagas society are not ready to face the challenging world
• Cause the present society is full of corruption, bribery, kidnapping, murder, etc..Whose parent doesn’t want their children to be a responsible person? Parents try their very best to mould up their children in a best way but it is due to peer groups, advancement in technology, opening of more and more booze restaurant, disco, etc…is corrupting our present generation to be a responsible person in this 21st century.
• It’s a natural desire for every Naga parent of all and sundry to raise and groom their wards in such an exemplary way that they can grow up to become positive role models and good human beings which will be an asset to the society and humanity at large. Going by the wider perspective in the current context, the parents are facing multifaceted challenges while taking responsibility for the upbringing of their brood alongside the world ridden with enticing myriad vices, whereas our Naga society is entwined with technologically – advanced global village with fiercely competitive atmosphere, the Naga parents no matter what their life priorities are, ought to be aware of how best to consistently instill strong work ethics, core value system, healthy habits, not to mention both Christian and Gandhian guiding principles of life at the formative stage of children which is counter-balanced by well rounded academic life at school will pay huge dividends in the long run.
• The children's of today are too smart to live with. They can fool their parents at will. But they should know some limits. For eg. driving to a local pub/lounge with the opposite sex in their fathers govt vehicle with the big name tag in front and a big red- head light above. If atb all they want to leisure out, atleast dont do it with their parents govt. vehicles. There are instances where there has been accidents and even death involved when their wards were behind the wheels.
• One of the reason the parents cannot control their children is the children themselves. Teens of today think they r invincible. All they want is play play and play. Most of them become druggies, and girls getting pregnant out of wedlock. We need to educate these kids that all is not well as of now. As they age and matures, all these will become a burden .
• Yes, they are trying their best as to my knowledge. But the problem is they themselves are not in the mood to change their present ways of living, governing, churching,,,etc. They are leaving behind a corrupted n a chaos society. So how can their children benefit from it. Parents have to think it hard.
• Its good to see in most of our Naga family parents learned how to care 4 their children. Most of ta Parents are spending or sacrificing their life 4 children.
• Every parents is concern of their child education, to make them more civilized and responsible child
• what a stupid question
• Cos they are aware of their children and their future
• I am positive that the intention of every parent is good and it is with their best of ability that they strive to be good parents. But in this modern world they are not equipped and are not well versed with the changing times. Today, the children of the 21st century is much more developed from a young age and is exposed to technology and all forms of modernization from a very tender stage of their growth. While most parents are ignorant about all these developments. This widening gap is a worry and good intention of parents is not enough to raise children.
• This days all the naga parents are striving towards to give their best to their children ...they keep on preparing for their children's future
Some of those who voted NO had this to say:
• Come on lets be serious and honest here. I dont think parents are actively involved in guiding and encouraging their children to be better people in this modern world. Naga parents in the past prepared their children to be ready to face their world. But the world has undergone many changes and I dont think the parents are aware or willing to admit the changes the world has gone through. The parents continue to follow the same old method and this is not working anymore. It time that parents took a more positive role in the development of their children.
• They try hard but they forget that their own infrastructure is weak. The children's foundation is the parents. If foundation is weak, how can one expect a palace from the mud?
• No. many parents are too busy in their own self created 'busy world'. though children may have academic achievements, 'responsible people' is all together another issue. education/degree or learning modern technology without being a responsible person may bring more social disasters to society in general. Lets remember 'little knowledge is dangerous'.
• There are very few honest parents. If there is CURSE their children will just have that. Our parents are much into corruptions, bribe, easy money and immorality and this is the gift to their children.
• Because im suffer this days cause of my parent were not preparing for me....so i didn't get well college.
• Most Naga parents are pressurizing their children to sit for UPSC or NPSC or to get a government job even to the extent of bribing and nepotism. One cannot blame the children for it, this is entirely the parents fault because they look at their children for their future security. There is not harm to look at them for security but not to the extent of indulging in corrupt means. Parents should also encourage their children to take up self employment and other forms of jobs. Today you see many MA graduates jobless without any employment because rather than looking for jobs they were sitting for UPSC and NPSC for many years before it became too late for them to get another job. Today the children are frustrated and dependent on their parents. This has happened to many Naga families. Today the world is fast changing. Government jobs are not the only option and the are not the only ones who can provide a secure job. So parents must encourage their children to do what they are gifted in. Its more important to be an honest child with integrity than to be a corrupt child.
• spoiling their kids so that in future nagas children will become servant of muslim and hindu people
• They are indeed taking responsibilities in the right way but not in the way that a 21st child should be molded.
• Because of unawareness, low literacy...
• The children of this generation is spoiled by gadgets and money
• Either they are too busy with their works, or they lack the understanding to be able to help them, this arising mostly from the generational gap.
• Not many parents know what their wards are upto once they r out of their side. The kids of today are too smart to fool their parents into believing they r good, obedient and studious, where as in reality they r the most hopeless people.
• Is providing the latest mobile phones, letting them drive around in imported cars, sending them outside their home to study, giving them unuff pocket money called RESPONSIBLE PARENTING? These days the parents are at fault most of the time. They tend to all their wards needs so that they are not disturb in their works. It keeps them abay from them. We will see a new century where parents will be look down and ill-treated.
• Most of the parents today think that their children are the best of all. Of course one all parents adore their child. They should think twice before they r sent outside to study. Most of the boys come back drug addicts and without completing studies, or the girls coming back getting PLUM-RED PREGNANT. What if they were kept within their sights, atleast the outcome would be less disastrous.
• Instead of sending them far to graduate or for that matter study else where they cannot see. The children do everything but studies. Its a waste of money man.
• Parents thinking of sending their wards to Delhi, READ THIS- You get them a nice bungalow costing 15 plus grand a month. You never see what they are upto. As observed by many, all delhites do is everything but attend colleges. They sleep the whole day(its too hot in daytym na),get up at around 4pm,have lunch then spend them visiting frens at their bungalows, chatting about new girls, new mobile phones, etc. Get home late and sleeps at around 3-4am and the routine goes on and on for 3-4 years in Delhi. Some girls even get their bellies filled to the brim.
• MOST parents don't have time for their children. In the name of Social Services, Politics, Church work/Christian Ministry, Business...children are neglected specially during the formative years. Fathers in particular needs transformation for our society to change positively. Most fathers are leaving parenting to the mothers. Both parents are equally responsible. Blessings to all the full time fathers and mothers. The biggest contribution we can make to the society is raising our God-given children in the fear of God.
Some of those who voted OTHERS had this to say:
• Naga parents in general are very loving, caring and fiercely protective of their children. This is good up to a point. Sometimes because of this parents are not able to see the faults and weaknesses of their own children. They fail to see that the modern pop culture has affected them and that their children like all children are vulnerable to bad habits. Naga parents need to be more educated and better informed not only about their children but the new environment in which they are growing up.
• Maybe the parents wants their children to be responsible but the children of our Nagas society are not ready to face the challenging world
• Cause the present society is full of corruption, bribery, kidnapping, murder, etc..Whose parent doesn’t want their children to be a responsible person? Parents try their very best to mould up their children in a best way but it is due to peer groups, advancement in technology, opening of more and more booze restaurant, disco, etc…is corrupting our present generation to be a responsible person in this 21st century.
• It’s a natural desire for every Naga parent of all and sundry to raise and groom their wards in such an exemplary way that they can grow up to become positive role models and good human beings which will be an asset to the society and humanity at large. Going by the wider perspective in the current context, the parents are facing multifaceted challenges while taking responsibility for the upbringing of their brood alongside the world ridden with enticing myriad vices, whereas our Naga society is entwined with technologically – advanced global village with fiercely competitive atmosphere, the Naga parents no matter what their life priorities are, ought to be aware of how best to consistently instill strong work ethics, core value system, healthy habits, not to mention both Christian and Gandhian guiding principles of life at the formative stage of children which is counter-balanced by well rounded academic life at school will pay huge dividends in the long run.
• The children's of today are too smart to live with. They can fool their parents at will. But they should know some limits. For eg. driving to a local pub/lounge with the opposite sex in their fathers govt vehicle with the big name tag in front and a big red- head light above. If atb all they want to leisure out, atleast dont do it with their parents govt. vehicles. There are instances where there has been accidents and even death involved when their wards were behind the wheels.
• One of the reason the parents cannot control their children is the children themselves. Teens of today think they r invincible. All they want is play play and play. Most of them become druggies, and girls getting pregnant out of wedlock. We need to educate these kids that all is not well as of now. As they age and matures, all these will become a burden .