Need for Role Model Leaders, Citizens
Along Longkumer
Consulting Editor
With elections over and a new government in place, there is an air of optimism among the ruling politicians in particular. All of them have shared their vision and good intention to make things better for Nagaland and its people. Among the younger lot and those elected for the first time, there is even more zeal to bring about good governance through transparency and accountability. These are welcome signs, which hopefully will be translated into action. While there is something refreshing about the message coming from some of our elected leaders, yet it also carries with it the frustration of having to know about the complete failure of our past endeavors as a State. It will be interesting to wait and watch whether some of these leaders who are speaking about change can in fact bring about the same through their exemplary work during the current term of office as Ministers, Parliamentary Secretaries or Advisors. Perhaps it is the right thing to say that for power to be an effective means of politics it should be used as a medicine with great care and poise (as a doctor would do) so as to cure the ills within the system and not as an intoxicant to be abused and misused for personal fortification. Our past failures ought to be opportunities for renewal and correction. Will the current lot of our elected leaders deliver where so many others before them failed? The general public however does not seem to share this enthusiasm or the hope for a better tomorrow. And can they be faulted for showing such pessimism?
In fact with so much money used up during the just concluded election, nothing much is expected other than a few benefiting from the spoils of office. Also with our economy in tatters, election time is as good as it gets when it comes to generating business, money and investment. In Nagaland, there are many from among the public who are investing in politicians with the expectation of high returns. This is where everything bad begins to unravel—back door political appointments, nepotism and wide spread corruption—to name a few. And let us admit that it is not just corrupt politicians but even the Naga public is part of the problem. Any change therefore should involve collective effort. Why should we continue to make the same mistakes? It is within oneself to exercise restraint when it comes to use of power and privileges that comes with holding of public office. Every elected leader ought to apply his conscience while governing and by doing this demonstrate that they can be worthy and good role-model politicians. The public should also behave with civility, abide by the rule of law and learn to become good citizens. The recent election is proof enough that it is not just our politicians but a good number of our public who are as corrupt and unscrupulous. Things will work for the better only through collective effort. And that is why we need good leaders as well as good citizens.
(Feedback can be send to consultingeditormex@gmail.com)