Some of those who voted YES had this to say:
• Yes it will encourage the educated youngsters to fight against it more courageously but it will be in vain because our leaders are stubborn. They stick to where they stick no matter how much we try, it will just fly away in the air.
• Hindus and Muslims seem to be more morally conscious than Naga Christians. We seem to be okay living with corruption.
• Yes it should inspire people to speak out the truth and to expose the wanton corruption in Nagaland. If a man like Anna Hazare can do it, why not in Nagaland. There are individuals and leaders in the Naga society who can do it and should do it.
• Nagaland will be a better place to live in
• Anna Hazare’s campaign in an opportunity for Nagas to also realize that we must do something to get rid of corruption in Nagaland. Don’t we realize that corruption is destroying everyone, including those who are corrupted. Those who are corrupted need to also understand that their lives will not improve when everyone around them is living in poverty, and they should have the brains to realize that corruption will not bring them security, rather it will only make them more insecure.
• Corruption on the increase; unemployment rising; RTI may open their eyes.
Some of those who voted NO had this to say:
• If Jesus Christ can't make a change (by virtue of us being majority Christians) against corruption.. Anna Hazare cannot even create a ripple against corruption in Nagaland. He will be crucified by the hypocrites here.
• Definitely no. I like Niketu Iralu’s idea of change for ‘self’ rather than Anna’s. Not just peace but corruption. Iralu must initiate a signature campaign for those who are ready to pledge and vouch for a peaceful, corruption free life individually, without any involvement with organization or party polity but just the ‘self.’ Believe me there will be a huge following. Good people must sure have a voice and it must be localized.
• For i have seen the interest of mainland ideas/bills whatsoever not for NE states in the past.
• No, I don’t think it will make a difference to the situation in Nagaland. But at least it will make us Nagas wake up and take notice to the fact that all it needs is one person to spark a revolution.
• Corruption is something which cannot be eradicated by any so called campaigns but has to be dealt with by each individually. The bible says, "the love of money is the root of all evil"..money itself is not evil but the love or craving of it for more is evil..and one evil that it has yielded is corruption. Unless we are stand firmly against it we cannot undo it..
• We already have many department to check corruption. adding one more doesnt mean corruption will go away
• It does not affect the people. No one points finger at someone.
• Anna hazare has no influence in nagaland...when the naga society itself is now steeped in corruption. no lokpal or jokepal will change the situation..
• I dont think Anna Hazare's campaign will move the Naga people towards fighting corruption in Nagaland. Corruption in Nagaland has become a chronic disease - just like cancer - and so no body wants to do anything about it.
• no since the money comes and goes into the black hole of a bank account of the politicians. the government employees charge prosing fee for doing their job, the corrupt lead by the corrupt, who can control them
• He is just playing politics
• The Naga political and economic scenario is far away from what Anna is doing in Delhi. There is no doubt that Nagas want to get rid of corruption, but when for many people their survival is dependent on the corrupt system, it is very difficult. So unless the people are offered alternative means and their livelihood issues are tackled well, corruption will thrive in Nagaland.
• Every disease has its own remedy and can be cured or prevented if treated correctly and on time. Likewise, corruption also have a remedy and can be cured or prevented like any other disease and according to me, it is one’s own purity of heart and not Hazare’s campaign as stated, if we seriously want to fight and kill the dreaded corruption disease in Nagaland. Every disease
Some of those who voted OTHERS had this to say:
• Well Nagaland is a state born out of wedlock between the GOI and corruption. we still enjoy crores and crores of money poured in thru false projects and dream project which are never to been seen or implemented. almost every student enjoy Scholar ship by false declaration of his/her annual family income. Forget about corruption in the Govt. offices but thing of the main corruptions tat's taking place in the blood of every single new born child. I believe corruption is a morale issue and if all the parents raises their children with integrity and honesty in the fear of the lord planting the seed of righteousness in their blood, surely they will grow up to be an honest generation. I would love to see one corrupt free man (sinless) who can stand up like Anna Hazere. Anna Hazare's campaign is surely an inspiration put can the general people of Nagaland can be bold enough to believe that yes we can prosper and be self sufficiently even without corrupt money flowing all over the state thru the Govt agencies.
• Its time for Nagas to rise up against corruption. Our own silence, indifference and complacency is encouraging the corrupt to continue their corruption. Why only turn to Anna Hazare. All of us can be and should be like Anna Hazare. Nagas, let us rise and do away with this menace called corruption.
• Majority of the Nagas are ignorant about their rights compounded with shy and indifferent attitude, always dependent on others. We have been raised and moulded by very irresponsible and selfish parents (leaders) for the past 5,6 decades. No wonder only plain manu came out to support Anna. Politicians, bureaucrats, leaders and saints just relax and enjoy, we are harmless lot, Anna Hazare is not coming to tow I guess.
• The noteworthy event unfolding at Ramlila Maiden that has so far rocked the entire nation by storm by the lone social activist Anna is trailblazing and promising which in my personal opinion is a stepping stone to the corruption free society where one cant help imagining India vying with the Scandinavian countries for the top spot by Transparency International. Every right thinking Nagas irrespective of the social status, party and faction allegiances need to consistently endorse this great people campaign not only in words but in deed and the younger generation must emulate it or the good of all and sundry. After all it’s a living reality that Nagaland and its Nagas being part and parcel of India, whatever policy decision makes and happens at Raisina Hill, Rastrapati Bhavan, North or South Block, Parliament, Apex Court, etc have a ripple effect through the length and breadth of the country where the huge melting pot of the Indian society live by the unity in diversity.
• Yes it will encourage the educated youngsters to fight against it more courageously but it will be in vain because our leaders are stubborn. They stick to where they stick no matter how much we try, it will just fly away in the air.
• Hindus and Muslims seem to be more morally conscious than Naga Christians. We seem to be okay living with corruption.
• Yes it should inspire people to speak out the truth and to expose the wanton corruption in Nagaland. If a man like Anna Hazare can do it, why not in Nagaland. There are individuals and leaders in the Naga society who can do it and should do it.
• Nagaland will be a better place to live in
• Anna Hazare’s campaign in an opportunity for Nagas to also realize that we must do something to get rid of corruption in Nagaland. Don’t we realize that corruption is destroying everyone, including those who are corrupted. Those who are corrupted need to also understand that their lives will not improve when everyone around them is living in poverty, and they should have the brains to realize that corruption will not bring them security, rather it will only make them more insecure.
• Corruption on the increase; unemployment rising; RTI may open their eyes.
Some of those who voted NO had this to say:
• If Jesus Christ can't make a change (by virtue of us being majority Christians) against corruption.. Anna Hazare cannot even create a ripple against corruption in Nagaland. He will be crucified by the hypocrites here.
• Definitely no. I like Niketu Iralu’s idea of change for ‘self’ rather than Anna’s. Not just peace but corruption. Iralu must initiate a signature campaign for those who are ready to pledge and vouch for a peaceful, corruption free life individually, without any involvement with organization or party polity but just the ‘self.’ Believe me there will be a huge following. Good people must sure have a voice and it must be localized.
• For i have seen the interest of mainland ideas/bills whatsoever not for NE states in the past.
• No, I don’t think it will make a difference to the situation in Nagaland. But at least it will make us Nagas wake up and take notice to the fact that all it needs is one person to spark a revolution.
• Corruption is something which cannot be eradicated by any so called campaigns but has to be dealt with by each individually. The bible says, "the love of money is the root of all evil"..money itself is not evil but the love or craving of it for more is evil..and one evil that it has yielded is corruption. Unless we are stand firmly against it we cannot undo it..
• We already have many department to check corruption. adding one more doesnt mean corruption will go away
• It does not affect the people. No one points finger at someone.
• Anna hazare has no influence in nagaland...when the naga society itself is now steeped in corruption. no lokpal or jokepal will change the situation..
• I dont think Anna Hazare's campaign will move the Naga people towards fighting corruption in Nagaland. Corruption in Nagaland has become a chronic disease - just like cancer - and so no body wants to do anything about it.
• no since the money comes and goes into the black hole of a bank account of the politicians. the government employees charge prosing fee for doing their job, the corrupt lead by the corrupt, who can control them
• He is just playing politics
• The Naga political and economic scenario is far away from what Anna is doing in Delhi. There is no doubt that Nagas want to get rid of corruption, but when for many people their survival is dependent on the corrupt system, it is very difficult. So unless the people are offered alternative means and their livelihood issues are tackled well, corruption will thrive in Nagaland.
• Every disease has its own remedy and can be cured or prevented if treated correctly and on time. Likewise, corruption also have a remedy and can be cured or prevented like any other disease and according to me, it is one’s own purity of heart and not Hazare’s campaign as stated, if we seriously want to fight and kill the dreaded corruption disease in Nagaland. Every disease
Some of those who voted OTHERS had this to say:
• Well Nagaland is a state born out of wedlock between the GOI and corruption. we still enjoy crores and crores of money poured in thru false projects and dream project which are never to been seen or implemented. almost every student enjoy Scholar ship by false declaration of his/her annual family income. Forget about corruption in the Govt. offices but thing of the main corruptions tat's taking place in the blood of every single new born child. I believe corruption is a morale issue and if all the parents raises their children with integrity and honesty in the fear of the lord planting the seed of righteousness in their blood, surely they will grow up to be an honest generation. I would love to see one corrupt free man (sinless) who can stand up like Anna Hazere. Anna Hazare's campaign is surely an inspiration put can the general people of Nagaland can be bold enough to believe that yes we can prosper and be self sufficiently even without corrupt money flowing all over the state thru the Govt agencies.
• Its time for Nagas to rise up against corruption. Our own silence, indifference and complacency is encouraging the corrupt to continue their corruption. Why only turn to Anna Hazare. All of us can be and should be like Anna Hazare. Nagas, let us rise and do away with this menace called corruption.
• Majority of the Nagas are ignorant about their rights compounded with shy and indifferent attitude, always dependent on others. We have been raised and moulded by very irresponsible and selfish parents (leaders) for the past 5,6 decades. No wonder only plain manu came out to support Anna. Politicians, bureaucrats, leaders and saints just relax and enjoy, we are harmless lot, Anna Hazare is not coming to tow I guess.
• The noteworthy event unfolding at Ramlila Maiden that has so far rocked the entire nation by storm by the lone social activist Anna is trailblazing and promising which in my personal opinion is a stepping stone to the corruption free society where one cant help imagining India vying with the Scandinavian countries for the top spot by Transparency International. Every right thinking Nagas irrespective of the social status, party and faction allegiances need to consistently endorse this great people campaign not only in words but in deed and the younger generation must emulate it or the good of all and sundry. After all it’s a living reality that Nagaland and its Nagas being part and parcel of India, whatever policy decision makes and happens at Raisina Hill, Rastrapati Bhavan, North or South Block, Parliament, Apex Court, etc have a ripple effect through the length and breadth of the country where the huge melting pot of the Indian society live by the unity in diversity.