Do you support the decision that there should be one Naga National Government?

Some of those who voted  YES had this to say:
•    Yes. There should be one Nagaland, one Naga national government, only one Tax.
•    Yes, this is just the kind of news the Naga people have been waiting for more than 30 years now. This will surely boost the confidence of the Naga people and most of all it should the public a much needed break from all the illegal taxation that was being levied on them. Now that they have agreed to form only one government, there should also be only one tax, one army and one goal. I support this decision wholeheartedly because the Naga case is legitimate and it is our birthright to decide our future.
•    With Christ nothing is impossible!
•    Nagas can move forward only through reconciliation and this means having only one government. Today there are so many Naga governments that it is a shame. But now with this decision something positive can come out. As a Naga who values democracy, we should have a multi-party system in which there is only one Naga government. The political groups should function as parties and together there can be a decision making council comprising of all the groups, which will be the Naga government.
•    Yes, one nation, one government, only a fool and foolish leader and people will go against this.
•    Its better late than never. The Naga public have been waiting for this moment and it has finally come. Thanks to all those who have really worked hard to make this happen.
•    We r one n wil b one
•    Yes it has been my dream tat they should b one as they have the Same objectives n their aspirations are same... They have been taking many/different due to which they never arrived at the planned destination. If they take the same route through which they have been travelling so far, to arrived at the distinction is another millions miles away!...It could create more destructions n conspiracy n confusion among our brethrens which would endanger our future. If they (Naga national groups) becomes one, it would strengthens our political stands n would gain a momentum in the struggle. Our enemies would not underestimate us n could not easily undermine a power Naga National Government... But there are lots of sacrifices involved for all the groups n is very risky to form this; therefore genuine thinkers, reknown architectures n God's interventions are required for this task. Kuknalim!
•    Our leaders should know world is growing and changing day by day. We Naga 'divide we fall, together we stand.' We can live where bloodshed exist.
•    Without which, who is to administer what?
•    Just in the nick of time when people are getting tired and frustrated with the Naga cause, the reconciliation process has given new meaning to being a Naga. Today I am proud that our leaders have at least taken this step, if not, our future would be destroyed.
•    This will make every Naga political group party important and responsible.
•    This is the way to move forward. IF the underground leaders can come together, the Naga public will follow them.
•    Let the factions/parties contest for election to run the govt..
•    The historic decision to form one Naga national government could be the game changer in Naga history. In recent times this is the most significant decision that has been taken and I am sure all Nagas will welcome this decision with open arms.
•    Atleast this act is going to curtail fratricidal killing and this shows that nagas is realising its future sooner..
•    As a Naga I am very very happy. This is the most sensible decision the leaders have taken. The public were getting tired and the Naga cause was being thrown into the drain, but this one decision to form a single national government may save the Naga cause. The Indian government may not be too pleased at all and so too all those who are against the Nagas. We must remain vigilant.
•    One cannot serve many masters.....let them understand that through  their thick arrogant skull...
•    Yes, I totally support this decision. How long can we keep paying tax to so many Naga organizations. People are fed up and tired of paying like this. Once we have one government, people will be happy to pay tax to only one government. Its time for Naga underground factions to listen to the sentiments of the people.
•    Yes. If not one, how many you are thinking of..??
•    Our prayers have been answered. Let no force on earth divide the Nagas again.
•    Unity and Reconciliation is the way for the future and the Naga leaders have responded well to this. I hope they will not backtrack from their commitment and that they will work towards actually forming one single Naga government.
•    Now is the right time. The Naga society was in desperate need for some good news and it has got it.
•    How long can we go on fighting each other and in the process destroying the very thing that we want to build?
•    Because God created Nagas as one, the devil sown the seed of division but praise God lift up His mighty hand to lead the Nagas!
•    "Unity is the need of the hour to achieve the wishes of the people."
•    Yes, Naga leaders need to unite. Enough is enough. The people need solution to the problem. How long can Nagas sacrifice if the leaders are not united and are not leading in the right direction.
•    of course, i do. But will our ppl understand?
•    At least the undergrounds have come out of their senses.
•    Having more than one Naga national government has been sheer madness and it has made a mockery of the Nagas to the world. So, this decision to have only one government is a welcome step. The political groups whether it is the NNCs or the NSCNs can remain as Naga National parties, but there should be only one Naga National Government. This is the demand of the Naga public, so that we pay tax to only one party and so that our aim may only be one.
•    Yes, I fully support that statement, hope to see in the present future.
•    That should be the ultimate goal and I am sure rest will fall in lines.
•    This is the answer to prayer by all; who stand for justice, peace and freedom. May our living God who liberate Israelites from the bondage of Egypt rulers give wisdom, courage to face the truth; and to discerned justice to make peace. Who is on the Lord side must support this noble endeavor of common goal and hope of our Nation. Kuknalim. If  God is with us who can be against us.  
•    One Naga National Government is not a new concept. It was, it should be and it will be in future. True National workers should not try to benefit themselves nor play ism polity. There are too many selfish leaders (wolves) in sheep clothing. True patriots should be objective and keep the cause on top priority.
•    If not one, How many government do we need in one nation?
•    One tribe one government. One tribe one umbrella. There is nothing better than living together with brothers and sister under one government.
•    1 Naga National govt does sound great as it is stepping in the direction the Naga people at large want it to be though still a way to go to come to its logical conclusion in the near future, whereas the bottom line is that it may be better late than never but how courageous, sagacious and visionary the current leaders will carry out this protracted Naga political issue by living upto its brand new nomenclature not only on paper but in action as the pseudo-living reality of the status quo dawns on all and sundry of Nagas, thus, taking this into account and seeking the courage, strength and wisdom from Above while making the best possible judgement and decision for the destiny of Nagaland and its future generation. I am proud being Sumi by birth and Naga by citizen and Indian by nationality and I want to live up to my aspirations and goals and work to protect and promote the uniqueness of Nagas and compete with the rest of my fellow countrymen and women for a place in the sun in this global village. 

Some of those who voted NO  had this to say:
• No, not another national government.
• In fact i dont even support any groups. They have betrayed the Nagas. Our Naga cause has lost nearly 20 years due to their personal differences. Now that they have financially establish themselves well thro extortion, illegal tax, kidnapping. Etc, they coming together doesn’t create a flutter. . After creating so many problems and trouble for the public, its just like some criminals merging together to create more powerful syndicate and organised crimes. If this merging happened 15 -20 years back, at least there wud be some positive reaction.
•    It will create another confusion among the rebels...taking advantage of this naga will be robed to beggar.
•    I cant support that because if it happens then we will be forced to go back to our forefathers time i.e. towards backwardness instead of moving towards advancement and development.
•    It would be another version of iraq or afghanistan in waiting
•    Naga National Government?? What are they – Naga undergrounds – up to? What does NNG mean and what significant role will it play among the Nagas? After more than a decade of peace talk why decided to establish NNG? They have failed in their fight for Naga independence, failed in their fight for integration than why NNG now? They can establish their Naga National Government only after Nagaland gets its independence, before that, they cannot be permitted to establish whatever govt in Nagaland. Their love for money and luxury lives has led them to betray the Nagas. Nagas may forgive them but history will never forgive them.

Some of those who voted OTHERS had this to say:
•    This news is too good to be true. It is quite unexpected and unbelievable. So allow me to be a little skeptical. I hope the leaders are serious this time because the Naga public will never forgive them if they go back on their words. The Naga people have waited so long for the leaders to unite and now that they have agreed to form one naga government, the Naga public must make sure that they do not betray the Naga people. The leaders must work out at the earliest the formation of the government. I hope they know that the public are tired of paying taxes to so many governments. But if it is only one government, than the public will not mind that. Please do not betray the people, but fulfill your promise.
•    Our society is an immature irresponsible one. Cong or DAN both are not able. We need to be guided and control by an international neutral authority. Is UNO interested to give time for a state which have the toxicity of religion corruption and insurgency blended deep inside our skin?
•    Dear Naga leaders, enough blood has been spilled between brothers and now it is time to stop it. I applaud you all for the decision to forgive each other and to declare to the world that Nagas are one. Your decision to form one Naga national government will be supported by every right thinking Nagas. Dont be bogged down by the challenges and difficulties of forming one government. It will require wisdom and the willingness to give and take because it is for common interest. If you had failed to reconcile, Nagas would have gone back to the dark ages of head hunting. Your decision to reconcile is timely. Leave some positive legacy for the future.
•    When we look and recall how the bloodshed among Nagas have divided the people, this bit of news is almost like a miracle. I really appreciate the efforts of Dr Wati Aier and his colleagues in FNR. At one time, reconciliation and unity almost seemed like a herculean task. It was not even possible to imagine that the Naga groups would reconcile. But today, they not only have reconciled but have agreed to form one Naga National Government. God must be working wonders. I dont think this has happened due to human wisdom. Surely God is at work. Now the Naga public must also shoulder responsibility and make sure that the reconciliation pledge is not destroyed. Nagas should not be allowed to turn back to its past. We need to move forward and this decision to become one is the best possible way. No group should be allowed to go back to its word.
•    Till the other day, it was reconciliation and only reconciliation that was the darling of the print media. I was wondering if it was worth spending hard earned Rs.3/day just to go through the same boring news. Then, suddenly, it has disintegrated & vanished into thin air and have added another thorn in the ????. I hope the newly coined term will not saturate my knowledge base.
•    I am all for it, but I hope they don’t retract from what they have already agreed upon. The Naga public should be very strong and vocal on this matter.
•    This opinion poll itself is illogical, bringing down the very standard of the paper. Point one: How one earth is it possible to have a national Govt. without Complete Independence from the ruling Country. Point Two: Where on earth are there two parallel National Govt. running.

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