Some of those who voted YES had this to say:
• I dont support the media war. Every morning when I see the papers I get turned off. It leaves a bitter taste in the mouth. The newspapers are all about one village accusing another village, or one faction calling the other faction all kinds of names and the Govt and the opposition playing funny games with each other. I detest all this cheap mud slinging. But I say yes, because at least it is better than shooting bullets.
• Because of corruption and disloyalty many are hiding their voice. Thus to solve the Justice media can only pull the trigger thus media war begun.
• Yes there are always some sense in nonsense
• Absolutely, its more peaceful than bullet war. At least it doesn’t take lives.
• It is good that they are busy in the MEDIA than on the streets of Dimapur or Hills of Nagaland causing severe hardships to the people
• The public will know their true colours through it..
• All are just as evil as each other, we the public are seen as a milking cow to be milked at whim by any two bit cowboy (without horses) outfit. So let them cast down each other, by doing so, they are going to make it easy for the cows to horn them.
• This is the only way to speak out. Might is too right for Nagas.
• Becoz it may be a stepping stone or a step in de advancement of our state...
Some of those who voted NO had this to say:
• Too childish and cheap to lead a nation
• I am sick and tired of the personal and petty accusations and counter accusations. The factions should be solely held responsible for downsizing the Naga political rights into mere mud-slinging. Its good they are shooting words rather than bullets. But their words tend to harm generations of Nagas because their propaganda is not to promote Naga rights but to promote their own personal interest. The newspapers should stop carrying their statements, but you can imagine, they will only threaten the newspapers, because for them they get their work done through force and not by explaining their objectives and goals.
• That will lead no where
• No, how can the Naga public support the media war. This is just insane. Instead of coming together such cheap propaganda is only dividing the Naga people further. This shows that some of the Naga leaders lack vision for the people. They do not respect the sentiments of the Naga public. If any leader does not respect the wishes of the public, than he does not deserve to be called a leader. A peoples leader will never encourage media war. Infact he will put an end to all this media war.
• Nagas are making a fool of ourselves to the world. If there are problems, its better to meet and hammer it out. Why wash dirty linen in open.
• It doesn't benefit us much
• I am disgusted with the media war because what they are arguing is not about issues, they are petty personal problems. It is important that these personal problems should not be made higher than the larger common good. If they were disagreeing about sensible issues that matter to the public, than I am all for public discussion, but just look at them, accusing each other along very very personal lines. The Naga public must say enough is enough.
• The media war is not just the underground factions, just look at the Congress and NPF - dont they sometimes sound like little children fighting over sweets. The problem is they are fighting over who is getting more sweets, while the public is not getting any sweets at all. This is the irony.
• Cause its simply making the situation even worse and creating more gaps among Nagas
• Create an atmosphere of uneasiness and restless, we couldn't concentrate in our studies.
• Nagas are tired of all the bickering. Its high time the people rise up once and for all and ensure that no one hijacks the Naga cause.
• “Support”, you must be kidding me. There is no reason for anybody to support them. Coz all I know they (politicians, undergrounds) write to the media against their opponents showing who’s the boss, who has the right to be in the place they are now i.e. goons, etc… Never knowing that it only shows how foolish and self-centered they are. So got a small advice for you idiot peoples, why don’t you people sit together for a cup of coffee and sort out your differences. Wont it be much better for everyone.
• No, Its childish and spiteful. We just don’t take criticism well and respond with hateful slurs.
Some of those who voted OTHERS had this to say:
• Its better that they are at least shouting and accusing each other rather than killing each other. But jokes apart, there is no room for people to disagree in Nagaland and this is the reason why they end up killing each other. There should be room for people to even disagree on matter but learn how to get along inspite of their differences. This is what democracy is all about. Can we not agree to disagree. Unless there is room for discussion and negotiation across the table, people will be bringing out their differences through the barrel of the gun and this is now what Nagas want. In Nagaland people should be willing to accept differences of opinion because we call belong to different, clans, villages and tribes and even different political parties and groups. This is what makes Nagas diverse. So our differences should not be the problem, but it should be our strength.
• Its time for some leaders to courageously stand up for the Naga public and tell them enough is enough. I assure you the Naga public will stand up and once the public stands up there will be no turning back.
• Our Naga society being traditionally entrenched in democratic set up where free of expression is the cornerstone of a democratic way of life enjoyed by all the freedom-loving Nagas but as every word and action carry responsibility and liable to be held accountable for them, whether politicians, public and student leaders, myriad national workers etc, ought to think twice about the general awakening of the naga people who are now well-versed on any relevant issues and quite capable of analyzing and dissecting a given situation on its own merits. Thus, whatsoever the reasons or rights of just struggles and causes it may be, in the long run, it all comes down to the public who will be the ultimate judge. The sanctity and prestige of media mustn’t allow to be eroded by the incessant barrage of unhelpful publicity oozing out of vested interest, personal acrimony and vendetta which in no way is conducive to peaceful and stable atmosphere that every naga worth his/her salt has long been yearning for.
• They are not behaving what they claim to be – leaders. Yes, underground, politicians and the like of them, they all claim to be Naga leaders, but they are not behaving like one. Its so funny, at the end of the day, the underground and politicians are all alike. They are all craving for power, but they don’t realize that power cannot be attained through guns and money. I wish they would stop this media war, its making a mockery of the Naga people.
• At a time like this when the entire Naga population is in support for Naga reconciliation the media war is in bad taste. It is opening old wounds and the bitterness that one feels is very strongly put. The underground faction s should realize they are like the fish in water, they will not survive without the water. In other words, the factions will not survive without the Naga public support. The Naga public are getting fed up of how the factions are cheapening the Naga cause. If they continue like this, I can say with complete confidence that the Naga public will rise up against the factions. The Naga freedom is sacred and it is legitimate, let no one damn it.
• I dont support the media war. Every morning when I see the papers I get turned off. It leaves a bitter taste in the mouth. The newspapers are all about one village accusing another village, or one faction calling the other faction all kinds of names and the Govt and the opposition playing funny games with each other. I detest all this cheap mud slinging. But I say yes, because at least it is better than shooting bullets.
• Because of corruption and disloyalty many are hiding their voice. Thus to solve the Justice media can only pull the trigger thus media war begun.
• Yes there are always some sense in nonsense
• Absolutely, its more peaceful than bullet war. At least it doesn’t take lives.
• It is good that they are busy in the MEDIA than on the streets of Dimapur or Hills of Nagaland causing severe hardships to the people
• The public will know their true colours through it..
• All are just as evil as each other, we the public are seen as a milking cow to be milked at whim by any two bit cowboy (without horses) outfit. So let them cast down each other, by doing so, they are going to make it easy for the cows to horn them.
• This is the only way to speak out. Might is too right for Nagas.
• Becoz it may be a stepping stone or a step in de advancement of our state...
Some of those who voted NO had this to say:
• Too childish and cheap to lead a nation
• I am sick and tired of the personal and petty accusations and counter accusations. The factions should be solely held responsible for downsizing the Naga political rights into mere mud-slinging. Its good they are shooting words rather than bullets. But their words tend to harm generations of Nagas because their propaganda is not to promote Naga rights but to promote their own personal interest. The newspapers should stop carrying their statements, but you can imagine, they will only threaten the newspapers, because for them they get their work done through force and not by explaining their objectives and goals.
• That will lead no where
• No, how can the Naga public support the media war. This is just insane. Instead of coming together such cheap propaganda is only dividing the Naga people further. This shows that some of the Naga leaders lack vision for the people. They do not respect the sentiments of the Naga public. If any leader does not respect the wishes of the public, than he does not deserve to be called a leader. A peoples leader will never encourage media war. Infact he will put an end to all this media war.
• Nagas are making a fool of ourselves to the world. If there are problems, its better to meet and hammer it out. Why wash dirty linen in open.
• It doesn't benefit us much
• I am disgusted with the media war because what they are arguing is not about issues, they are petty personal problems. It is important that these personal problems should not be made higher than the larger common good. If they were disagreeing about sensible issues that matter to the public, than I am all for public discussion, but just look at them, accusing each other along very very personal lines. The Naga public must say enough is enough.
• The media war is not just the underground factions, just look at the Congress and NPF - dont they sometimes sound like little children fighting over sweets. The problem is they are fighting over who is getting more sweets, while the public is not getting any sweets at all. This is the irony.
• Cause its simply making the situation even worse and creating more gaps among Nagas
• Create an atmosphere of uneasiness and restless, we couldn't concentrate in our studies.
• Nagas are tired of all the bickering. Its high time the people rise up once and for all and ensure that no one hijacks the Naga cause.
• “Support”, you must be kidding me. There is no reason for anybody to support them. Coz all I know they (politicians, undergrounds) write to the media against their opponents showing who’s the boss, who has the right to be in the place they are now i.e. goons, etc… Never knowing that it only shows how foolish and self-centered they are. So got a small advice for you idiot peoples, why don’t you people sit together for a cup of coffee and sort out your differences. Wont it be much better for everyone.
• No, Its childish and spiteful. We just don’t take criticism well and respond with hateful slurs.
Some of those who voted OTHERS had this to say:
• Its better that they are at least shouting and accusing each other rather than killing each other. But jokes apart, there is no room for people to disagree in Nagaland and this is the reason why they end up killing each other. There should be room for people to even disagree on matter but learn how to get along inspite of their differences. This is what democracy is all about. Can we not agree to disagree. Unless there is room for discussion and negotiation across the table, people will be bringing out their differences through the barrel of the gun and this is now what Nagas want. In Nagaland people should be willing to accept differences of opinion because we call belong to different, clans, villages and tribes and even different political parties and groups. This is what makes Nagas diverse. So our differences should not be the problem, but it should be our strength.
• Its time for some leaders to courageously stand up for the Naga public and tell them enough is enough. I assure you the Naga public will stand up and once the public stands up there will be no turning back.
• Our Naga society being traditionally entrenched in democratic set up where free of expression is the cornerstone of a democratic way of life enjoyed by all the freedom-loving Nagas but as every word and action carry responsibility and liable to be held accountable for them, whether politicians, public and student leaders, myriad national workers etc, ought to think twice about the general awakening of the naga people who are now well-versed on any relevant issues and quite capable of analyzing and dissecting a given situation on its own merits. Thus, whatsoever the reasons or rights of just struggles and causes it may be, in the long run, it all comes down to the public who will be the ultimate judge. The sanctity and prestige of media mustn’t allow to be eroded by the incessant barrage of unhelpful publicity oozing out of vested interest, personal acrimony and vendetta which in no way is conducive to peaceful and stable atmosphere that every naga worth his/her salt has long been yearning for.
• They are not behaving what they claim to be – leaders. Yes, underground, politicians and the like of them, they all claim to be Naga leaders, but they are not behaving like one. Its so funny, at the end of the day, the underground and politicians are all alike. They are all craving for power, but they don’t realize that power cannot be attained through guns and money. I wish they would stop this media war, its making a mockery of the Naga people.
• At a time like this when the entire Naga population is in support for Naga reconciliation the media war is in bad taste. It is opening old wounds and the bitterness that one feels is very strongly put. The underground faction s should realize they are like the fish in water, they will not survive without the water. In other words, the factions will not survive without the Naga public support. The Naga public are getting fed up of how the factions are cheapening the Naga cause. If they continue like this, I can say with complete confidence that the Naga public will rise up against the factions. The Naga freedom is sacred and it is legitimate, let no one damn it.