Some of those who voted YES had this to say:
• Yes, I do, because it is His will that the Lord elevated them to this position and they should never abuse the power God has given or else sooner or later they will face the wrath of God and be crushed. It is few leaders who are not committed bring destruction to their family and bring curse to our present generation. May the good Lord Almighty bless all of our present leaders and also rear up good leaders for our future generation and lead us to a promised land where the Lord had already designed for His people (the Nagas). Nagas are blessed people. May He use us as an instrument of His and glorify His name.
• Yes, because they are God's anointed leaders which many refuse to follow for not serving their selfish purpose. No, because most of them are using social issues for their selfish ends.
• Yes, i trust and believe in the present naga leaders to be corrupt, immoral, greedy and non-effective.
• To reach to the top roof, it is not enough to stare from the bottom and don't act. We need to take the first step an after steps. Our leaders have come from the initial steps n arrived at the present stage where the destination is few miles away. All we need is to unite n take a decision collectively how we want to start our future with. It is a high time for every Leaders of the national workers, societies and organisations to come on the court n joint their heads to find an honourable solution for a stable n Strong Nagalim. Commenting off the court will not make any difference. We need to go back to the history so tat we don't have to repeat the same mistakes n sufferings, not 2 make perceptions or hostility out of it. Gray hair is not a sign of wisdom but its a sign of age, therefore, we must not follow the direction of elders if we know it is not right. Customs or believes which does not serve any good in todays generation is an old mistakes, we must correct it today... We cannot only depend on our leader to bring solutions, as there r followers so is the leader. And the leader don't lead the followers as per his or her wish and will. They r leading us where we wishes to go and what we wanted to be. So come let us joint our heads n think, we will find answers for bigger questions.
• I simply trust naga leaders. just being naga
• To give credit to some of the older generation of Naga national workers, its true that they are committed and have sacrificed their lives for the Naga cause. But at the same time if they are not able to discipline their own cadres and kilonsers, than I think I have every right to question their leadership quality. In today’s modern world of politics, its not just commitment for the cause that is required, it only needs good leadership qualities.
• Off course, I believe in some Naga leaders who are tirelessly protecting the land, culture and rights of the Nagas all through their life and making the Nagas' issue known by the world.
Some of those who voted NO had this to say:
• No. Those who don't learn from history are bound of repeat it again.
• The present generation of Naga leaders viz freedom fighters, politicians, hohos, student leaders, church leaders etc has become one of the largest stumbling block to development of our state. Its better we represent ourselves than to suffer under these so called leaders.
• Power, money drives them.
• Not at all. Just look at the present crop of leaders. I dont think they care at all about the people. They only care about themselves. They only look at themselves in the mirror.
• They are only for their selfish ends; relatives; tribes!!
• Today, our Naga leaders are selfish, egoist and self-centered. They only think of power and how to retain their position. This is a far cry from what Naga leaders were once. Its the leaders who are destroying the society because they have no vision.
• Absolutely No. Be careful whom you trust.
• The present so-called leaders are all devil in disguise-mistrustful, lairs, corrupt to the core, lustful and proud. They are the direct descendant of satan, who will Inherit the kingdom of hell. Yet we pray for your souls. Amen!
• They lack vision for a better Nagaland.
• They are all selfish & greedy
• Today, whether they are overground leaders or underground leaders, they are the same. They seem to be driven by the same motive - to promote their own interest. The over ground leaders today are taking advantage of the situation and are taking the people for a ride. The underground leaders have become corrupted by the ceasefire and many of them have forgotten the cause of the Nagas. All these leaders of the present generation are after power and they have stopped thinking about the welfare of the people. They forget what happened in Mokokchung and Wungram colony. They must never underestimate the patience and anger of the public. They should mend their ways before the people act.
• Not educated, they cat just yap to escape the situation
• No, they are all about making money for themselves.
• Deliverance from present clutch is next to impossible as they are still entangle with greed, hatred, position and money hunter.
• no.. I can't...problem is money and power. All the leaders gets deceived by money and power. Its hardly 2 generations since we are seeing money in terms of thousands and lacs....90%still have'nt seen crores.....we are disproportionately modernized but not yet appropriately civilized. if the leaders know all these short comings and leads us with sincerity, honesty, humbleness and wisdom, surely something great can be achieved and why not, next to God, my full trust will be in them.
• Its like trusting a person who has an angel face but a devil Heart.
• Our beloved corrupted leaders are not worthy to be trusted and believed.
• No because they are not working in the interest of the general people but they are working for their selfish benefit and they are crazi for money.
• All are corrupted
• Leaders are elected by followers every generation. We get what we are: untrustworthy.
• The present generation Nagas have some great leaders but my answers is a very big NO! How can you trust or believe our so cold leaders especially Naga ugs who loot, murder, threaten people, prevent development, and every kind of unchristian things. (reminding you al, they have just come out of jungle!!) secondly, the so called social workers (politicians, associations, organizations leaders) are far more worse than the ugs but for the lack of gunpower. Remembers ugs and social workers are those stupid few who cant get anything out of their education and the church leaders…all have been said about them but what I want to tell some of those stupid hot tempered reverends, pastors, catechsts …is that the hottest part of hell’s for them. Most of us know whats right and whats wrong except our leaders. Lets start a change!
• No nt 8 al bot da overground n underground s equally 2 b blamed
Some of those who voted OTHERS had this to say:
• Look at the present Naga society. Its is lost, confused, scared, uncertain of its future and rife with tribalism which has led it to greed, unethical behavior and instability as a cohesive society. Coming from such a society wha
t is there to trust and believe in this generation? Why only political leaders? They represent exactly the present Naga generation. Not their fault.
• Give me the likes of Rev. Longri Ao, Dr. Wati Aier, Dr. Tuisem Shishak - visionary men who fear God and have dared to do the impossible and I will say "Yes." If Nagas today can produce just a few men and women with such character and faith as these men had, Nagaland would be a different place. Our current leaders lack the qualities that call for influential leadership. Ditto with our church leaders. We have become too much like the lackluster, pop -infested church of the West.
• Well they will have to prove themselves first cos most of the people change when they have power in their hands.
• Majority of them cannot be trusted because of their hypocritic lifestyles, corruption, bribery, parochialism and maladministration in all aspects. Here, church leaders are of no exception.
• Now is the time for the Naga leaders to show what kind of leadership they can provide to the people. This is the time when Nagas are in need of people who can give a clear direction where we should go. Nagas are getting more disunited and so we need a leader who can unite. This is unlikely to come from present Naga leaders because they are too stuck up and pig-headed. If only they could keep aside their ego and pride, they can unite the Nagas, but they are not visionary leaders. So we need new leaders who really care and understand the public.
• The reason is that the political leaders are not truth why because we find in Nagaland that the political leader are Beg, borrower, steal. Development are for the people but leaders are developing themselves.
• Unlike the predecessors of the past generation, the overall Naga leaders at present with due respect to precious few don’t seem to have that credence to enjoy the trust and belief of the Naga populace in general though it may be so in particular as the procrastinated or perhaps open-ended Naga political issue alongside the messy situations arisen not out of common purpose and vision and true patriotism but of greed, power, and pseudo-superego that by seeing this confusing ambiguous state of affairs the Naga beloved pioneers, patriots and leaders would sure turn in their graves. IN this brave new world replete with every new challenges as we hold on to our right and unique cultures and traditional values in diversity while keeping up with the times, we Naga as one on the journey of common hope and destiny is now at the crossroads. Thus, if all the current Naga leaders at the helm cant courageously come together to make the delivery that the Naga people have long yearned for than the history will judge them mercilessly.
• Childishly, I will put all my trust and belief in the present Naga leaders if the leader is my parents. But, intellectually I will deny my trust and belief on those leader if the leaders is not my parents, hahaha